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It's been a few weeks and it is really... Depressing. Everyone is trying hard to catch the culprit, the sneaky one. Because they even got to clean up the place , leaving only bleeding Beomgyu also the corpse of the professor and the doctor down there. The cctv footage is not helping either since they even delete the backup one

Killing all of them, so they don't know who's that brave to crash their main base, that have a top security system out of all bases

Even Beomgyu didn't die, he had a hard time to remember who shot him, assuming he is the mastermind that once he and Taehyun also Woon talk about at the mini lab

Beomgyu who worked really hard ignoring what the doctor told him — rest well after that shots and stab. He even got nosebleed for trying so hard to remember what happened there

"Beomgyu you need to rest Or i have no choice other than exempt you from joined this mission if you being this stubborn!" Soobin raged at him, Beomgyu who's now sit weakly on the living room couch with Jin -their chef- who now give him the medicine


"You heard me well, Choi Beomgyu. Rest or I'll not let you join this mission" he said, leaving the living room immediately. He is a mess, everyone are

You can see how the dark circle is prominent also the eye bag. The stressed hair struck out to frequently and no more that lively cutesy in the house

Like the old time, filled with coldness and seriousness

Beomgyu let out a big sigh, with Jin patting his back

"Life is hard kid, i learn the hard way too" he said, Beomgyu eyes look at him looking at him


"Not a mafia business but you know i have koala hybrid right?"

"Namjoon??" Jin giggles at the name as he nod

"That time i have a best friend too... " His voice trailing before keep up with the story "he want to take Namjoon away because you know how worth Namjoon are that time right? "

"... What do you wanted to tell?"

"Your enemy sometime... The one who really close with you" he said, he pat Beomgyu thigh befoee take the glass

"Rest well I'm sure you know who's the man even if I'm not there that time. My instincts never wrong" he said confident-ly leaving Beomgyu who look at him with a questioning look

"... I knew that hyung... But who" he said to himself


Soobin bang the door harshly received a look from other members, he slowly goes to his sit before landing his head unto the table

Hueningkai looking at Taehyun, while the other give a sign to keep silent first

"... It's nowhere now... We didn't find any clue" Soobin said, letting out a sigh

"Don't say it like that hyung!" Hueningkai said, jumped while Taehyun eyes widen

Oh no...

Soobin clenches his fist and tries to hold his anger, he will lose his cool. He is the leader and needs to lead the team, the one who will help the team growth

"Kai..." The leader look at his team with apologetic look "I'm... It's not what i meant—"

"You said it like you wanted to end this mission hyung! Hyung?! Are you crazy?! We! One of the most feared ?! We knew we will not stop until we get what we want, what we need" Hueningkai said, almot lunge to Soobin if Taehyun not holding him

"It's not— I'm... I'm sorry" he said, choose to lower his ego. He knew what the younger said is true too. enough with all mess, enough with all fight . All he need is someone who will take away his suffer

And Yeonjun knew how to do this, but he... Is nowhere

He let his head fall to the desk, bitting his lips, fidgetting with his fingers, his thigh can't stop trembling. He need to let it out, he really wanted to let it. As if it's a time bomb but no... Not now

"Hyung-ah... 미안해"
(Mianhae // (I'm) sorry)

He look up to see teary eyes Hueningkai, the younger goes to hug him

"Sorry" he whispered right at his ears, Soobin look at Taehyun before sign him to join

Taehyun join the hug as Soobin patted their back

Suddenly, Soobin's feel like his emotions now bare able, his mind has a little peace maybe what he read on internet is truw. If you are hugging your brain let out some gas to make the human feel at peace

It really help Soobin, very much

For a few minutes, they break the hug as they look at each other Taehyun opens his mouth

"We can do it... We will... We will get our Yeonjunie back alright" Taehyun said slowly

"But how?? He... Do it as if he is shadow. No trace" Hueningkai said

"... ?!"


The same week as unconscious Beomgyu

"Is this the hybrid?! " The man asked excitedly before crouching to Yeonjun who got his mouth caged also handcuffed , don't forget the chocker lingering his neck tightly almost suffocating him

Yeonjun eyes similar to puma, on guards. Hissing if the man try to have a contact with him make the male smile brightly

"I like him... Why Tubatu hide you from me?" He asked, as his hand goes to his head

Yeonjun almost want to attack before his body got jolted by something make him trembling like crazy, his muscle spasm at that

he slumped his body down quite hard unto the cold floor, the man chuckles darkly .

"Aww... So cute"

The hand slowly petting his hair, the puma eyes hooded. His mind are clogging after receiving the electric shock the chocker gave

"I'll train you ... How to act to your master really well little one"

By the first week and second, you can hear how hurtfull the puma screams are , begging pleading that all got ignored

After the third week

He finally be what he is

The puma

"Woo... I miss Jjunie... "

"Me too ,Lix"

"... I hope we can help them but... "

"Same bruh... Anyway do you still keep the threat note?"

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now