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While Wooyoung go to their boss room, theres Felix dealing with the puma

"Yeonjunnie, you should put aside that paw alright??  If you took it with you then it will be soacked wet and smelly pleasee" Felix said , try to take the puma paw

"nuu!! Mine!! Papa gave !!" he said , hugging the paw also his own hand (right one)

"i knew it , Junnie but it would be wet and uncomfortable please Junnie put it aside" Felix try to plead him but ofc its


"nope!! Felix no! Junnie mine! Yes!" he said again

"alright it is, Yeonjun ok? But dont wear it when you take a shower alright?? Cmere " Felix try to make him enter the bathroom first

Well Yeonjun hesistant a little before joining

Felix then show a shelf,  a clean and dry one

"put it here! , ok? After shower, dry yourself before touching it okay? Understand?" Felix ask

"uhm... Okay"

Felix let out a relived sigh, then smile

"good now take a bath, dont take it too long okay? We have breakfast down there!" Felix said, Yeonjun nod then slowly put the paw to the shelf

"thank you,Felix" Yeonjun said, Felix just smile then continue

"heres towel okay? Now go, you smelly"

"!! Nuu!!"

"hahahah!" Felix then close the door , Yeonjun then look around the bathroom

"so biggg!"


A sound of hair dryer echoing the puma room, with Wooyoung holding kind of pet brush (?)

I... Didnt have pet but theres comb that like... For a ... I dunno but yeah for furball i dunno damn my knowledge goes doom

Then theres Felix drying the puma hair

Yeonjun ? Dont worry he's wearing an oversize clothes and tracksuit there playing with a bell ball (?)

Yeah ball, you shake , bell sound . You know what im saying

"Woo-woo nuu nuuu" Yeonjun said, Wooyoung look at him


"nuu nuu, doctor, needle there, hurt!" Yeonjun said pointing at his tail

Felix then look at them, Wooyoung look at Yeonjun concernly

"why the put needle here? " Wooyoung ask, the puma simply shrugged with his shoulder

"dunno? Nu nuu Woo-woo , hurt" the puma repeat

".. Alright² , can i look at it?" the puma nod, then Wooyoung hold the puma tail carefully

Looking at certain part, where needle stuck there

"... Where they put needle ? Is there more?" Wooyoung ask

"uhmm... Here , here... Here" he point his arm, neck then his thigh


"dunno but blood! Junnie blood many!"

Wooyoung bit his lip, trying to surpress his anger

"alright then , Felix you're done?"

"yup!! Perfect fluff!" Felix said, he's now brushing Yeonjun hair

"thank youu"

"you're welcome!"

"now lets get you some breakfast okay?" Wooyoung said "Felix go, i need to report this immediately"

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now