
528 20 15

The clock just struck right at 5 a.m. And thats the time where our puma wake up. Why?

Well when you at the new places, you're body need times to make itself calm down and think it was their new home

Yeonjun rubbing his eyes then look around

"mm... 우유 " he mumbled, as he wear back his paw gloves. But before that he took both new plushies he got
(uyu // milk)

Then literally make the plushies laying down then tucked them in

"hehehe 잘자 ! 우유 좋아 우유 ♪ ♬" after that he walk out while singing a child song happily
( jalja // goodnight) -- (its milk song Kai sang at To-do :) )

He walk to the kitchen then he saw someone?

"eung?? Who?" He ask then came over slowly

The man make some drinh ? He didnt know theolors are to weird for him. The man weared an outfit that looks like want to have a morning jog

"... Oh? You're awake so early " the man said as he noticed his presence, the puma then tilted his head

"누구세요?" he ask to the man with a pure confusion
(nuguseyo // who are you)

The man chuckles

"my name is Kang Taehyun , you can call me Taehyun" he said with a smile "do you want some breakfast? I can make it for you" he said

"mm... " His puma instinct said that he is a good man then he replied "바나나 우유?" with a pouty lips
(banana uyu // banana milk)

"ah... Theres some, wait" he put down the weird drink then goes to the cabinet

He took out the banana milk before giving it to Yeonjun


"thank youu" Yeonjun said as he bow a little . They both sit down, looking at Taehyun gulping down the weird drink

"what is... That??" he try forming a words , Taehyun then look at him

"this is protein shake, i just done my jogged then after that i drink this" Yeonjun then goes 'ahh',

"wanna take a sip?" he said then hold out the protein shake , Yeonjun nod innocently tasting it

He take a sip then frown. Oh my god his taste bud--

"...mmhh" Taehyun chuckles

"how is it?"

"nu yummy" he said , then quickly gulping down the banana milk

"hehe alright²"

After done drinking , Taehyun ask him

"do you want to look around more here? " he said "as well... Practice with walking? Also running?" Taehyun said then Yeonjun eyes sparkles

"want run!"

"alright 가자!! But before that we will have our morning walk first as warm up" Taehyun said , before cleaning up their mess then go exploring the puma new house
(kaja // lets go )

A Puma That Escaped The Zoo ✓Where stories live. Discover now