Front door

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"Let's go upstairs~"
Mire smiled and took your hand.
You thought it would be suspicious to stop him so you prayed Bren had a good hiding spot.
Mire drug you to the bedroom and sat on the bed. He pulled you on his lap and wrapped you in a hug.

"Last time we spoke you said you hated me.. is that still true?"
"No.." you admitted.
Mire kissed your neck.
"I know.."
He seemed to be his old self again but you weren't sure.
"I thought about you a lot.." You told him and he smirked against your skin.
"Me too.."
He set you on the bed and stood up with a sigh.

"You're not hiding anything from me.. are you?"
Your hairs stood on its ends and you stood up aswell. "You're hiding many things from me! Why do you suddenly come back lovey dovey when you would barely speak to me before! You were using me weren't you?"
Mire busted out laughing.
"That's the conclusion you came too? Geez Y/n.. you really are cute~"
"I can't do this anymore.." You stood up and went for the door.
Mire grabbed you.
"What are you talking about? Stop please.. talk to me"
"You're giving me mixed signals.."
"Oh really~?" Mire dipped you and held you tightly. "Because it seems to me you got real defensive when I asked were you hiding something~"
You bit the inside of your cheek and he smiled with a hum.
"I'm sorry.. I know how upset you must've been from the departure. Trust me I was too.." He kissed your forehead and let you go. "I said I'll make it up to you didn't I? Get dressed. I'll go take a shower"

Mire went in the bathroom and you waited a few moments before searching for Bren. He was underneath the bed and his face was pale.
"You have to get out here!" You whispered and helped him out from under the bed.
"Yea no shit! Y/n listen I can't leave you with this maniac! Come with me"
He pulled at your hand and you stopped him.
"Bren.. this was a mistake.."
"Don't say that!" He grabbed your arm, "Don't fucking say that"
"Bren I don't know what to do" You looked up at him with tears and he sighed.
"Jesus Christ.. we'll talk more about this monday. I really don't want to leave you.."
You pushed him closer to the door and he finally budged. Bren kissed your cheek and quietly left the room. You looked out the window a few moments later and he was driving off.


You didn't know where Mire was taking you but you were sort of excited. You hadn't been out together in a while so you got dressed in your favorite apparel.
You heard steps come out the bathroom and your heart raced. Mire was typing something on his phone. Water dripped down his body and he had his towel wrapped around his waist.
He huffed in frustration and rolled his eyes. He threw his phone on the bed and smiled when he looked at you. His black hair hung on his shoulders and you gulped.
"You look cute~" He smirked.
"Your hair.."
"Oh this?" He twirled it in his finger a bit before smacking his lips. "I'll cut it soon.. I hadn't got the time before"

Mire walked passed you and to his clothing drawer. He put on his boxers and some black shorts. Your eyes landed on his back and your heart dropped.
"Mire what happened?!"
"Huh? Shit.. I forgot about that.."
There were slashes all over his back. Some of them looking relatively new with scabs.
You went up behind him and trailed some of the healed ones.
"A-Ah don't do that.." Mire demanded.
"Does it hurt?"
Mire sat on the bed.
Water droplets fell from his hair wetting up the sheets.
"It's fine.. don't worry about it okay darling?"
You crawled behind him on the bed and started rubbing his shoulders.
"Do you want to choose my outfit?"
"Mire.." Your voice let out with a stern tone.
"I told you Y/n it's nothing!"

You started to massage his shoulders and he let out a painful groan.
"You're shoulders are really stiff Mire.."
"I told you too stop"
No matter how much he said stop he didn't move.
"You don't want me to stop though.." You trailed your fingers past his neck and to his chest. You rubbed your hands across his abs and you could still see your name carved into his chest.
"Where do you want to go?" He turned and placed his hand on your head. He  kissed you on the cheek as you stood on your knees behind him.
You kissed his neck.

Mire seemed more.. mature now.
It was weird.
Kind of like a man who had gotten home from a hard day of work.
Does that mean you were the loving wife? Either way Mire was in a lot of pain.. just what happened while he was gone?

"You said you would show me the shrine.." you pouted and he chuckled.
He picked you up and sat you on his lap with your legs wrapped around him.
"You did say that!"
"I say a lot of things.." He smiled and hugged you gently. He nuzzled his head on your chest.
"I'm serious Mire.."
He rolled his eyes and pouted.
"But it's my shrine~"
"No it's not! It's my shrine!"
"It's for my personal use only" he pouted stubbornly.

He's still a child!!

"Mire you said.." You frowned and he began to panic.
"F-Fine okay!"
"Yay!" You cheered and Mire lifted his hand up.
You intertwined your fingers with his but his smile substilled. His hand was still frozen in place and your expression became confused.
"That's not it..~"
"Uh.." You tried to move off his lap and he grabbed your thigh.
Mire gave you a look.
"Okay fine.." You moved his hand to your breast and his face flushed.
"T-Thats not it!"
"O-Oh sorry.." You laughed and couldn't think of anything else.
Mire suddenly wrapped his hand around your throat making you gasp.
He placed his mouth by your ear and he licked it making you shudder.
"We're going through the front door~"

Front door??

To be continued

Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now