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You sat up on the couch with sore puffy eyes.
You didn't feel pain anymore.

You felt numb.

Mire hadn't woke up yet.

How can he sleep?

You didn't feel anything as your face rested monotone.
How were you suppose to feel? Overjoyed?

You got up without making a sound and grabbed your phone.
You looked at it.
You felt the need to talk to someone, anyone.
Anyone besides Mire that is..

Should you call Ty? Gina?
You just wanted to hear their voices..

Your finger scrolled down to the letter "B"

Bren.. it's been awhile.

Just as you were about to tap his name, Mire wrapped his arms around you from behind.
You weren't even surprised.
"What are you doing?" He asked as he pulled you on the couch.
"Nothing.." you replied solemnly.
"Come here.."

Mire snuggled your head into his chest but you didn't particularly need a hug.
He stroked your hair but you didn't know why.
Unless he was pitying you then it would piss you off.

"Don't we have work.." you stated and sat up.
Mire looked at you a bit puzzled.

Did he not expect you to be able to go to work?
What? Were you not strong enough?

Your blood began to boil as you waited for his reply. He must've caught your vibe since a small smile formed on his face.
"Of course darling.."


After getting dressed, you both hopped in the car and were now sitting in traffic.

"You hungry? We can stop by and get something"
"I'm not hungry.." You replied and looked out the window.

Were you being a bitch?
You didn't want too.. but he was aggravating you and you didn't know why.
Mire placed his hand on your thigh and you slowly looked at him.

"Am I annoying you? I'm sorry.."

You gritted your teeth trying to hide the tension.

Well that's fucking great.. he's apologizing..

You huffed out some air and placed your hand on his.
"I'm fine.."

Mires POV

Well isn't this just fucking great..

You're "fine"?
I doubt it..

It's obvious you're upset with me but I know I didn't do anything.
Must be because of the miscarriage..

Last night, I could tell you were mainly upset because of what I thought.. but darling the baby doesn't matter as much to me when it comes to you.
We can just make another one!!
I'm not complaining..
I know how emotional you can get but that's no reason to be mad at me right now!
Seriously.. I'll give it some time before saying anything.

The way you were clinging to me last night with tears.. wasn't that bad~

Ah but.. that guy Bren disappeared a few hours before you had the miscarriage..
Did he know that was gonna happen?
Then why'd he leave at that moment?

Fucking hell.. I bet he did that to mess with my head.
It's not like I did anything..

I looked over at you and hid my frustration as you looked out the window.

It's okay.. calm down Mire.. she's going through something..
We both are going through something..

My heart jumped as you turned and looked at me.
"Mire I have a question.."

Your voice had no joy. Your eyes were puffy and no energy was inside.
I wishI could take you out this depressive state.

"Yes darling?"
"Can we take a trip back home. I wanna talk to someone.."

I saw your anger build then subside as I asked the question.


My blood ran cold.
Is this really how it's gonna be?
They say miscarriages either bring you closer together or farther apart.
And darling you really don't want me to show you more of how far I'm willing to go.

If you want another baby, I can make that happen okay?!

Regular POV

Mire has that stupid glare on his face again.

No privacy as usual.. he has to know everything, he has to be around 24/7.
I bet his vibes killed the baby.
Why did he even wanna name it Hoya anyway?

"Someone?" Mire questioned and I rolled my eyes.

This traffic is horrible!! We're not even moving and the tensions getting worse.

"Yes someone" You replied testing Mire.

I want to see Gina, Ty, Ivan and Bren.
I miss them so much..
I left them for this?

You blinked.

What was I just thinking?
Mires the best thing that's ever happened to me..
I should be grateful.

Mires POV

What's with this new attitude?
I know shes just had a loss but she does know what's on her finger right?
A ring.
The ring I gave her meaning she's mine.

I need to calm down before saying something rash.. she's hurting right now..

"Alright darling.. but I'm still curious who"

Seriously I need to know who.

Regular POV

"Actually can I go alone?"

I know I'm pushing my luck but Mire knows I'm hurting right now..
Let's see if I can use that against him..

"Mire it's just.." You began crying and he immediately became concerned as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Oh no.. darling I understand.."
"I love you" You looked up into his eyes and he began blushing.
"I love you too.."


You were sitting at the front desk and Micheal walked in with shades and a big smile.
Then his eyes laid on you and smirked.

"Never noticed how cute you look in that uniform.."
"Wanna die?" You asked and he laughed.
"You look like you've been crying, what did you and Mire fight?" Micheal teased and your body stiffened up.

Your heart began beating and your blood rushed. You continued looking down as you held back tears of rage.

"What do you know?" You spat angrily.

You knew he was joking.. but that hurt.

"Oh.. I'm sorry if I've disrespected you in anyway" Micheal apologized sincerely and your eyes lingered to your finger with the wedding ring.
You quickly moved your hand out of sight but didn't know why.
"You're okay.." You looked up at him with a small smile and his face flushed a bit.

"Well I've gotta get going.." he told you and you grabbed his hand.
"Oops.." you laughed a bit.
"You trying to get me killed?!" He yelled whispered.

His red hair fell into his face and it was almost remarkable how unique his features were.

Light brown freckles that stood out on his dark skin yet he had natural loose red curls that were a good length. You always knew Micheal was attractive and also funny.
Not to mention his intelligence which matched Mires..
Why were you with Mire again?
He kidnapped you.. but isn't his personality pretty bland?

"Hey Micheal.. Mire would be pretty mad if he walked in right now" You smirked and he didn't budge.
"Well no shit Y/n, is this your way of flirting? If so you need some work.."
You laughed and Micheal smirked.
"Humorous as ever Micheal~"

"Mire isn't gonna like this.."


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