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Still Mires POV


I gripped my knife and that's when I realized I could easily overpower this guy.

If Gina and Ivan arrive to early then that'll be a problem.. I should take him out while I can..

"So? You've got her in your hands.. what will you do?" I grinned as Bren gritted his teeth.

He was shaking.

I'd be scared too hehe..

"You're gonna let her go.. both of us.."
"Why the hell would I do that?"

Is this guy dumb?

"Was this your plan?"
I laughed and Bren began to smile.
"I've already called the police"
"You're bluffing" I spat.
"Am I Mire? Why would I bluff? They are on the way and if you come any closer I'll drop Y/n and she'll wake up. When she wakes up and sees what's going on who do you think she'll side with?" His smirk made me want to slit his throat.

Fucking hell..

Who the hell does this guy think he is?
He's not an idiot that's for sure..

"Me of course"
"Ha! What about that girl in the basement? What if I tell her about that? Who do you think she'll choose then?" Bren held your body a little tighter as I took a step closer.

"Get your disgusting fucking hands off her.. you don't know anything"
"Y/n cried to me about you, you know.."

My hair stood on its ends.
I gripped my knife and bit my lip.

I should've killed this guy when I had the chance.. I knew he'd be a problem.

"I told the police everything! That Mire Valentin is a murderer and a kidnapper!" Bren took a step back holding you close.
I glared at him before smiling.

"Well.. you said my full name? That's your mistake.."

Step after step I walked closer.
I almost started laughing at his stupidity!

"Stay back!! I'll drop her!"
"Drop her? I'd prefer you not do that.. she might be carrying my baby after all~"

Brens face dropped and I couldn't help but smile.
"What did you do to her?!" he yelled.
"What did I do to her? It's what she did to me.. Y/n sure loves to jump right into things.." I bit my nail at the lewd thought.

I walked right up to him as he held your head to his chest.
His blue eyes were stricken with fear which were filled with arrogance a few moments ago.
"Y/n.. isn't like that!! She wouldn't sleep with a murderer.."
"You must not know much about Y/n.. do you? I for one know a lot~"
"T-The cops are still on the way" Bren spat as I chuckled.
"They're not~"

I took you out his hands calmly with a smirk. This was quite entertaining but I was still pissed. I set you on the couch as you slept sweetly.
"You said Mire Valentin right? Maybe if you hadn't said my full name they would've came.. but they know my address so they wouldn't have came either way"

Bren fell to the floor backing away.

"You see.. I'm quite powerful. I have plenty of infiltration in the police system but that was a good attempt~" I squatted down amused.
"And as for the girl in the basement, she isn't mine, Y/n is."

I pulled a box out my pocket that I had gotten earlier.
I opened it and showed Bren the wedding ring I intended to give you.
"What do you think? She'll like it right? I got it for her when she was on the way to school today but I've been looking for the perfect one for awhile.." I smiled as I looked down at the ring.

"W-Why are you showing me this?"

I couldn't help laughing.
"I just thought you could give me an opinion before I kill you.. I have to admit Bren your plan could've worked if Gina and Ivan arrived earlier. It would've been difficult taking you all out at the same time.."
"You're a monster!!! You're just manipulating her!! What we had.." he began choking up and I gave him a confused look.

"What you think you had was nothing more than an illusion~ Manipulating her? So what?"
Brens eyes widened a bit at my response.
"I love her. At first I may have been manipulative but I truly do love her. I'll do anything for her. Y/n isn't as innocent as you think you know.. she's manipulative herself.."
"I.." Bren started but it was obviously he had nothing more to say.
"She manipulated you. When I was gone she was lonely.. thank you for taking care of her.."

Bren got up with the intent to run but I stabbed his calf and he fell to the floor. He let out a shout as he hit the ground with a thud.
"I don't want to die.. I don't want to die.." He repeated and I almost felt pity.


"If god wanted you to live.. he wouldn't have created me~" I grinned and raised my knife.
"You won't get away with this.." Bren yelled and spit on my hood.

This prick..

I grabbed him by his collar and put the knife to his throat. His blonde hair hung as I lifted him.
"When you die. No one will give a shit. And Y/n won't even know that this savior shit even happened.."
Tears fell from his eyes and I honestly was getting tired of him.
"You should've listened the first time when I warned you~"


Blood went all over the floor as I cut open his throat.
I was seriously hoping this happened outside.
Blood had gotten on your ring.
I began wiping it off when I heard a ding come from your phone.

Fucking hell..

I put the ring back in my pocket and lifted you up.
I walked upstairs and set you back on the bed before reading the message.

"Hey.. I'm outside, I just want to talk.."

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