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You held your breath as Mire pushed you under.
It wasn't for long but it was pretty scary.

When he let you back up you gasped for air and coughed.

"Why would you do that?!" You yelled wiping the soapy water from your eyes.
He laughed.
"I'm just playing around! You weren't even underneath long"
"So!" You yelled angry and tried to get out.
Mire grabbed you.

"Hey.. I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have done that. What's the matter?"
Mire pulled you close into a hug.
"I don't feel good.." You admitted.
"Do you feel sick?" Mire became concerned again and rubbed his hands on your goosebumps.
"I told you you could get sick in the cold!" He scolded and you rolled your eyes.
"Shut up.. I don't usually get sick"

Mire frowned and lifted you up bridal style out the tub. He wrapped a towel around you and then one around his waist.
He sat you on the bed as you shook and coughed.
"Be right back"
Mire walked out the room and came back with a thermometer.
He stuck it in your mouth and waited a few moments before taking it out.

"No fever, although you were around hot steam, so that might've helped"
You sniffled a bit and he looked down at you.
"I'll stay home"
"You can't.."
"The hell I can't?"
"You said so yourself you can't miss any school due to early graduation" You sneezed again and he folded his arms.
"You look sassy~" You laughed, teasing him and he was taken back.

"Fuck it's getting late.." He sighed still unsure what to do.
You stood up and kissed his cheek.
"I'm an independent woman Mire. What? You don't think I can handle myself?" You smirked.
"I never said that" He scoffed and you went to lay back down.

"I'll be fine Mire, I promise just go get ready"

You convinced him and he went to the bathroom to get ready.
You laid flat on your back, still in the towel, as your body ached.
You felt congested and on top of that you had a headache.

Shit.. this sucks..

Mires POV:

I decided to leave my hair down.
I put on my uniform after brushing my teeth, and buttoned the collar.

Fuck I need a cut.. Y/n doesn't seem to mind though..
It's starting to become long like Ivan's..

I sat on the toilet to tie my shoes.

I told her she'd get sick! She doesn't listen.. although I can't help but be happy she's sick.
She'll be stuck in the house with only me to depend on.
I can't wait to take care of her when I get home..

A smile curled on my face at the thought.

I walked out the bathroom and you were still laying on the bed.
Your eyes were closed and you didn't seem to notice me walk in.
I grabbed your phone and checked it.
I don't care that much about going through it honestly..
Of course there were messages from all your 'friends' that irked my skin.

But you didn't reply..

"Good girl..~" I let out and you sat up a bit.

I tossed you the phone.

"Keep that close to you okay? Do you want me to make you something to eat before I go? What about medicine?"
"Mire I'm fine! You'll be late.."
I frowned as I looked at your tired eyes.
"Did you get any sleep?"
"Yes.. I just feel extra tired.." You replied and I smirked as I looked at the marks on your body.
"Probably from last night~"
"Leave!" You yelled and I chuckled.

I walked over to the bed and kissed your forehead.
"I love you"
You looked at me surprised.
Have I not said it enough?
"I love you too Mire"

Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now