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You arrived home and Mire slammed the door as he went inside.

Is he seriously angry?

You walked inside after him and went upstairs to change.
Mire was laying on the bed with his arms covering his face.

He has more mood swings than me.. and I'm the pregnant one..

You sighed and went over to the dresser. As you began to undress, you got a sudden wave of hunger that Mire noticed.

"Are you hungry?"
"Yea.." you mumbled.
"Get dressed"

Mire watched you put on a red dress before grabbing the keys and hopping in the car.
The car ride was silent.
Mire pulled up to a restaurant and helped you out.

To no surprise, you were both seated quickly.

We could've just ate at home.. but I'm not complaining..

A gumbo soup was soon placed in front of you, which made your mouth drool. The fresh seafood aroma made you dig in immediately as you stuffed your mouth.
Mire watched you but didn't eat.
His chin rested in his palm with his elbow on the table as he had a small smile.

"What do you want to name it?" he asked suddenly and you paused.

The question had caught you off guard as you wiped the corners of your mouth with a napkin.

Mire laughed.
"Actually girl or boy?"
You smiled as you thought, "It doesn't matter.."

You were honestly glad he mentioned it. He actually cared.. unlike some fathers.

"Well what would you name the baby?" You smiled and he placed his hand over yours.
"Let's see.. if it's a girl, you can decide. I'm not good with girl names.. but a boy.." Mire trailed off and you waited for his response, "How about Hoya?"
"Hoya?" You laughed and he became flustered.
"It's a good name!! Hoya Valentin!!"
"Yea I guess your right.." you looked down and smiled to yourself. "I hope you know you're not beating my child if they take over the company.."

Mire laughed and agreed.


You looked up at Mire and he was staring into your eyes. His dark gaze made you nervous but you couldn't look away.
"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier.. I'm sorry I get so jealous. It's just I love you so much.. I can't help being so possessive.."

And obsessive..

Mire shocked you by standing up and taking a knee as you sat in your chair.
"What are you doing?" You asked a bit nervous and he pulled out a small box.
He opened it to a beautiful diamond ring with a small diamond heart.

"Mire.." You said getting choked up but he took your hand delicately.

"Y/n.. my love.. I'm not the best but I try. Darling will you do me the pleasure of really becoming mine? Y/n Valentin, will you marry me?"
"Yes!!!" You jumped up with a cheer as Mire placed the ring on your finger.

You were so happy tears fell from your eyes as people around you cheered.

"Yes Mire!! I will marry you!" You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
"You taste like soup.." Mire joked and you covered your face with a blush.
"Don't be so shy Ms. Valentin~"


You couldn't stop smiling the whole way home and Mire kept teasing you.
When you finally got home you grabbed him by the face and kissed him.
You immediately drug him over to the bed as you both laughed.
You both took a shower and the night seemed to never end as you pleasured each other.

Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now