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Still Mires POV

"Calm down sweetheart, your hormones must be going wild~"

I heard pregnant women are the horniess..

You clung to me desperately and began kissing my neck.

Geez.. she's gonna tear these clothes right off me.. not that I'm complaining~
Are those ghosts really gone? Or was I really hallucinating?

"You're a kinky bastard Mire" You laughed and I was a bit shocked at your random words.
"I was joking!! I wasn't really gonna use that whip.."


I felt a presence behind me.

They just aren't gonna leave are they?

Regular POV

The red lingerie you had on made you feel pretty.
The way it wrapped around your body like a temptress was alluring.

The thought that Mire picked it out especially for you made you feel special.
Although he complimented you..
You knew his mind was somewhere else which was annoying.

You understood he had "stuff" going on but it was valentine's day and you'd already gotten in a few small arguments!
And it's not like he told you what this stuff was..
Plus you could just feel your emotions stiring inside you that needed to be released.

The cuffs were still around your wrists so you couldn't exactly move as much.

Mire still looked like he was deep in thought about something and it was starting to tick you off.

Seriously.. what a turn off..

You sat up a bit and he pushed you back down.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm not in the mood anymore.." You sighed and he was a bit annoyed.
"Why not?"
"I don't have to explain myself!!" You yelled and he glared at you.

Without warning he stuck his fingers inside your red lace underwear and you gasped with a blush.
"You seem to be in the mood to me" He smirked and you gave him a face of disgust.
"Well it's not because of you so.."

Before you could even finish Mires facial expression shut you up.

"I'm joking.. haha.. it is because of you" You admitted nervously and Mires expression didn't change.

He sat up and let out a big sigh.

"Alright then Y/n.."

You were a bit confused and Mire looked down at you.
"Give me your phone"

You reached for the dresser, with both hand, and gave it to him puzzled.

"What are you..?"
"You said it wasn't because of me right? How about I call someone up to join us~" Mire grinned and your face heated upset.
Mires face was a bit shocked and amused at your question.
"Well.. it obviously won't be a man. Don't tell me you were getting your hopes up? For I don't know.. maybe Micheal?"
"N-No!" You yelled.
Mires expression wasn't happy with your reaction and he gritted his teeth.

He began dialing a number.

"I'm sure some chick would love to join us~" Mire teased and you quickly grabbed the phone before he could react.
You both struggled and threw it across the room.

"Ugh!! I hate you Mire!!"
Tears fell down your face and you grabbed an oversized shirt but couldn't put it on due to the cuffs.
"No! No.. wait wait darling" Mire wrapped his arms around you and you pushed him.
"Where is the key?"
"You're not leaving"

You bit your lip as he hugged you.

"I'm sorry.. did I take it to far? Now you know how much words like that hurt me don't you?" Mire whispered in your ear and you looked to the side.
"I love you.."
"I love you.."
"I love you.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make you that upset but you did start it"
"I love you Y/n"

Mire wiped the hot tears that fell down your face.
"I'm sorry that I haven't been paying attention to you.. It's just I've been seeing my dead parents"

His parents?

"I don't know why.. maybe it's because of my birthday? I know I'm hallucinating but it feels real.."
Mire hugged you tightly from behind.
"You asshole.. why didn't you just say that? You can tell me things.." You breathed and he chuckled a bit.
"I'm sorry.. I'll make it up to you darling"

Mire lifted you up and sat you on the bed.

"But I still need to make a call on your phone"
He picked your phone off the ground and scrolled through your contacts.
"If it makes you feel better, I'll make the call in here okay?" Mire smiled and you nodded.

It began ringing and the voice that picked up surprised you.

"Hey superstar!! What's up? Happy Valentine's day!"

"Ty" Mire stated and it became silent.

"Oh hey.. you're her boyfriend right? What's up man?"

Ty's voice was calm but he had no reason to be alarmed right?
It's not like he knew anything bad about Mire.

"Yea.. I just wanted to say Ivan wanted to talk to you"

Did Mire keep in touch with him or something?

"What do you mean?"

"Ivan wanted me to tell you that you're a good friend. I don't know why he wanted me to tell you but he did.." Mire rolled his eyes and then smiled at you.

"He.. did?"

Why does Ty sound choked up?

"Yea.. ask him why he wanted me to tell you. I don't know it's pretty annoying in my opinion" Mire smirked and looked to the side, "That's all"

Mire hung up the phone and you noticed he was staring off with a gaze again. After a while a smile appeared on his face and he looked back at you.
"What was that about?"
"Ivan just wanted to tell Ty he is a good friend.. that's all.." Mire crawled on top of you but you were still confused.
"That doesn't make sense..?"


You looked up at him and he kissed your lips.
"It's still my birthday.." Mires finger swirled your inner thigh.
"Are you gonna give me what I want or do I have to make you~?"

Oh Mire..

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