Ghost party

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Mires POV

It's 1am.
Todays my birthday and Valentine's day, February 14th.
I'm finally 18.
I thought I would wake up happy since I'm spending my birthday with you.

But that's not the case as I sat up in the bed as you still slept.

I stared shocked at what was at the end of our bed.

I don't particularly believe in ghosts or entity's.. but seriously? Why was your mom at the end of our bed?

Blood was dripping from her head, probably because a hard hit to the cranium was what killed her.
Her hair covered her face.
Of course, it was hard killing your mother because of the resemblance you shared, but I did it so you can finally get away from her.

Was I hallucinating?
Was it my guilty conscious? But I don't feel guilty.. maybe subconsciously I felt guilty?
I doubt it.

I stared at the woman and slowly she crept to your side of the bed which alarmed me. She stuck her hand out to touch you and I blocked her.

"She's having a baby.."

Your mothers voice was soft yet coarse.. unlike how she was in real life.
Either this was a real ghost, or I was losing it.

"She's all grown up.. oh Y/n my baby.. I wish I could touch you"

I didn't feel bad.
Not one fucking bit.

"What's it to you? You told your own daughter she shouldn't have children and said there was something wrong with her just like her father.." I gritted my teeth angry.
"I didn't mean it.."
"You didn't mean it? Did you mean to traumatize her mentally? To make her feel like she was nothing and only depended on you? You made her feel insane.. you made her feel like she needed someone to be obsessed with her to be loved.. well here I am~"

"... I'm sorry.. I just want to tell her I'm sorry.."

"Sorry?! She didn't even get to have a normal family because of you! You were mentally abusive and made yourself look like the victim!"

The ghost began crying.

It's crying?!?

"Why are you still playing the victim?! Even in death.. stop that! I don't feel sorry for you! Get away from her!! I won't make her feel like nothing but I do want her to depend on me.. I'll love her! and give her a family she's always wanted!"

The ghost stopped crying.

"I'm not saying this to reassure you.. I'm saying this because I always intended to do give Y/n everything she wants. So.. if you're 'worried' about her.. don't be. I love her and will do what's best for her.." I stared at your mother intensely and then she looked up, which startled me.

Her eyes were.. dead.

"Thank you.."

She disappeared before my eyes and I stayed staring at the spot dumbfound.

Was that real??

I heard steps on the end of the bed and I looked to the side.

My eyes widened.

All of them were there..

Well almost everyone I killed for you was there. I guess some of the people didn't care that much, which is exactly why I killed them.

Their wounds were open, and their heads were down and covered.

Are you telling me I have to deal with all of them today?

Bren, Gina, Ivan, and my parents.
So that means the other two I killed have already moved on I think?
Does that mean your mom just moved on?

Fucking hell..

"I don't believe in ghost" I grinned and they didn't budge.
I quickly looked over to you and you were waking up slowly.
"Ghosts? What are you.." you said sleepily and I soothed you back too sleep.
"It was a dream.. go back to sleep darling.." I smiled as you fell back asleep and one of the ghosts slipped beside you.

My eyes widened and Bren was touching your hair.

I thought her mother said she couldn't touch her?
Maybe the ghosts she liked in real life are the only ones able to touch her..
Fucking hell..

I tried to swat his hand but I couldn't touch him.
His neck was bleeding out and his blond hair was dirty. He still had on the same outfit he had on when he died.


Surprisingly he didn't say anything as he touched and lifted your hair.

Your hair was actually lifting.
Does that mean the ghosts were real?

Am I imagining things??

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed and Gina came over to you this time.

"I just wanted to talk Y/n.. but it's okay.. I'm fine with just seeing you one last time. You were actually a good friend"

After Gina said those words she kissed your cheek and disappeared just like your mother.

I remained silent as the rest of the ghost didn't seem to talk to you. Does that mean they wanted to speak to me?

Out of all the ghost.. the most chilling one was Ivan.
His neck was twisted and his head hung to the side.
I was almost glad I couldn't see his eyes. Nevertheless, this was creepy as hell. My parent on the other hand were cut up and bloody. My dad was impaled with what seemed to be an Iron bar.

The plane crash..

I laughed a bit mistakenly and they all turned to me.


"Mother" I replied.

"There's something wrong with the baby.."

I watched as my mothers hand hovered over your stomach.
"There's nothing wrong! It's barely even formed.. what are you trying to say there's something wrong with it just like me?"
Anger built in my body.
"Why'd you do it?? Why??"


My father stepped forward.

"Do remember that kitten you had?"

I thought back and couldn't find any memory of having a pet.
I shook my head and my mother began to speak.

"We bought you a kitten when you were young. It was honestly the only time we'd seen you smile.. you loved that kitten. It's name was.. Hoya"

"Hoya?" I asked.
It sounded familiar, "What happened to it?"

"Mire.. you killed it. When me and your father found you in the backyard. You were hugging it's body with blood all over you.."

Her soft ghostly voice was starting to make me unnerved.
"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"You said you loved it so much.. that you didn't like when Ivan and Gina played with Hoya. So you killed him.."

I gritted my teeth.
She was obviously lying.

"You're lying.."

They both looked up at me with dead eyes. They had small smiles that dripped with blood.

"Happy Birthday Mire"

They both disappeared after saying those words.
Ivan and Bren floated through a wall leaving me alone with you again.
I groaned and let out a sigh.

"Fucking hell.."

Fun fact: Mire has killed a total of 9 people! (If you include Gina)

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