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"Dinners ready!"


Mire had to pull two chairs from the garage to the table. You were all sitting around eating in silence.
"This is really good~" Mire complimented looking at you and you blushed.
"Yea it's really good!" Synthia agreed irking your nerves.
Kea was silent.
"Aren't you going to thank her for cooking for you? You ungrateful piece of shit." Mire narrowed his eyes at him and Kea quickly thanked you.

"Mire you finally took over so did they do the thing?" Synthia nudged Mire and he laughed.
"Yeah my back is fucking killing me"
"I can't believe they still have that tradition!"
"Tradition?" You questioned and she looked at you.
"Oh you don't know?" Her voice became sly. "It's in the Valentin family business.. Every time a son or daughter takes over they get beat bloodily with a whip. It's insane but then again the whole company is the devil.."

Mire didn't tell me that..

"I mean they do have the mafia working under them so I guess the beating tradition is to prepare them for the toughness or something?" Synthia said poking at her plate. You looked at Mire who was smiling at her.
Your heart thud.

Fine.. be like that..

You turned to the older male, whose fingers were wrapped up with bandages.
"Kea do you work for Mire?"
He didn't reply.

Asshole! Reply when I talk to you!

You could hear Mire chuckle quietly. You feel embarrassed at your failed attempt.

"Y/n I don't know how you could do it.." Synthia started and you looked at her confused. "Wasn't Mire gone for two months? How did you manage??"
You gritted your teeth but choked the feelings down with a smile.
"I don't depend on a man"


Soon everyone was done with dinner and putting their plates in the sink.
"I'll clean the dishes if you want" Synthia volunteered but honestly you just wanted them to leave.
"It's fine, I'll do the dishes"
"I insist.."
"I said I've got it!" You almost yelled and she smirked.
"Okay~" She stretched, "Mire can you walk me to my car?"

I swear to fucking god.

"Have Kea do it" Mire told her, helping you with the dishes and she huffed. They left and you both finished the dishes.

You didn't know why you felt jealous.

Mire was your obsessive boyfriend after all.


After brushing your teeth and changing, you hopped in the bed.

This would be your first time sleeping in bed together since the day Mire left.
You would've been nervous if you weren't pissed.

"What do you mean you don't depend on a man?" Mire asked taking off his shirt.
"You heard what I said.."
He scoffed and turned off the light.
Mire joined you in bed and wrapped his arms around your waist. He snuggled his head into your stomach, making you almost forget you were mad at him.
"God I've missed this.." he breathed and you pushed him way.
You turned your back against him and shifted towards the edge.

If he thinks he can act all innocent, it's not gonna work..

"Darling?" He spoke and you didn't reply. "Don't be like that.."
The spite in his voice began to show.
His fingertips trailed on your elbow.
"Don't touch me!" You spat.
"Annoying lizard.."
"What'd you say?!"
Mire turned aswell, not replying. In the end, you both fell asleep with your backs facing each other.



You woke up with a quiet hum as Mire shook you gently.
"Hey wake up.." you heard him whisper but it was still pitch black in the room.

You stretched, still confused, and turned the other way. Why was he waking you up in the middle of the night anyways?

You could hear Mire laugh a bit under his breath as he planted a kiss on your jawline.
"Huh? No! Get off.." you mumble and he pulls you closer.
Although you couldn't see him, you could feel his warm eyes on you.
"I'm sorry.. I was just trying to make you jealous.."
You tried to move away but he kept pulling you teasingly, "Yeah yeah.."
"Is that all? Yeah yeah?" he grinned kissing you more and you slowly began to laugh, "Don't go to sleep mad at me.."
"Fine!! Just stop being so annoying.."
"I'm annoying?" Mire questioned and you laid your head on his chest.

He began to pat your head and you started drifting off again.
You loved when Mire was gentle like this.
You missed when he was warm and not so aggressive.
You felt as though this was truly how he was. If not for his past trauma with his family.. how would Mire had really ended up?
The way he clung to you when he was frustrated made you really think..

You looked up at him as your eyes adjusted to the dark. He gave you a confused, solemn look and you planted a kiss on his lips.
"Mire I love you.."
He smiled, "I love you too.. Goodnight"


Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now