Open the door

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Mire yelled angrily.
Your heart stung a bit and you didn't know what to do. Mire always had violent outbursts when things didn't go his way. He was considerate and loving but yet really controlling..
"You need to calm down.." You told him through the door.


He banged on the door again.
"You have 3 seconds.."
"Or what?" You laughed a bit testing Mires seriousness.


Your heart skipped a beat as he ignored your question and began counting.


You were anxious at his calm
but scary voice.
It's not like he'd hurt you? He couldn't.. and he wouldn't so why did he intimidate you so much?
Would he really break the door down?
You rushed to the door just as he said "Three".


You unlocked the door and slowly opened it.
Mire was anything but pleased as you looked into his dark eyes.
He grabbed your arm roughly and pulled you in the living room.

He threw you on the couch and you gasped with a bounce.
Mire went back into the room and when he came back, he had a red rose.

He threw it at you aggressively and you looked at him dumbfounded.

"It was for Valentine's day" Mire had his arms folded and was standing above you pissed.
"Thank you.." you said quietly twirling it in your hand.

You knew you shouldn't have been mad at Mire, it was his birthday after all..
but it's not like he was giving you a reasonable explanation for anything.

Mire sighed and got on his knees.
He laid his head on your thighs frustrated as you sat on the couch.

"Darling do you believe in ghost?"

You were puzzled at his question.
"I guess.."

Mire chuckled and began kissing your legs. He trailed his tongue all the way up to your inner thigh before biting it.
"Ow!" You whined and Mire grabbed you by the neck.
"Don't you ever lock the door on me like that again, got it?" he whispered aggressively in your ear and you nodded.

Mire lifted you up bridal style and took you to the bedroom. He began kissing your neck roughly as you laid back with a small moan.
He gripped your inner thigh as you rubbed his neck.
Mire lifted your shirt and trailed his tongue down your waist before kissing your stomach.
He looked you in the eyes and you quickly broke eye contact nervous.

"Awe darling.. we've done this plenty of times and you're still nervous?" he chuckled and you told him to shut up.
Mire looked around the room suddenly and sighed.
"Fucking hell.." he sat up frustrated and scratched his head.
"What is it Mire?" You grabbed his arm and he was beginning to get angry.
"Fuck!" Mire yelled, startling you.

"Uh Mire.." you rubbed his chest, catching his attention.
"They won't.. go away" Mire gritted his teeth angrily. "I think I'm losing it Y/n, fuck.. I just want to be with you.. is that so bad?"
You held Mire tightly and buried his head in your chest.
"Hey.. calm down.. it's okay"
"Darling.. I'm sorry that I'm like this, It's my fault"
"No Mire it's okay, It's probably just stress" You kissed his lips.
"Really?" Mires eyes looked a bit teary.
"You didn't deserve anything you went through, and when you're ready you can tell me.."

Mires POV

It's cute how she's comforting me about killing her friends..
And she doesn't even know.

I love her so much.

I sat up and looked at Ivan and Bren.

What will make them disappear?

"Sweetheart.. wanna do something fun?"


"Um.. Mire it's a little embarrassing.."
"Calm down darling, don't act like you've never undressed infront of me before"
"But you want me to wear.. this?"

I watched as you lifted the red lingerie.
I laughed a bit as your cuteness.

"Isn't that what I just said?"
"You better be lucky it's your birthday.." I heard you mumble and I narrowed my eyes.
"Can you repeat that?"
"N-Nothing" You smiled nervously as you began to undress while I sat on the bed.

My eyes were on the ghost who seemed to be freaking out.
Ivan was covering his crooked face while Bren faced the opposite direction on the bed.

Seriously? They're still not gonna leave?

I realized I wasn't paying attention to you as you stood awkwardly waiting for me to say something.
My eyes lit up as soon as they landed on you.
"Wow.." I couldn't help but let out as I was already excited in my pants.
"Wow what?" You said a bit seductively as you climbed on my lap.
"Look at you being bold~"

I flipped you around on your back and sucked on your neck as you began laughing. I rubbed and pitched your thigh trying to get you to make more noise.
I left a hickey on your neck and sat up.
Bren had got off the bed once I laid you down and was standing beside Ivan.

They didn't seem to take notice of each other the whole time, so I wondered if they could see each other.
Ivan's face was beet red, which was surprisingly honestly.
Bren on the other hand was getting upset which made me smirk.

Maybe doing it infront of them wouldn't be so bad?

"Mire what are you looking for?"
You caught me staring off in the distance and I smirked.
I stood up and grabbed something out the closet which made your jaw drop.

Handcuffs and a cat whip.

"I'm sorry.. WHO do you think you're using THAT on?" You said shocked and frightened.

I couldn't help but laugh at your reaction. You're so cute..

"You'll like it~"
"What?! No!" You began getting up which intrigued me.
"So we're playing chase darling?"
You ran to the side and as I was nearing for you, something grabbed my ankle.
I fell after being tripped and looked back as Ivan laughed.


"Are you okay Mire?"
You helped me up which was embarrassing.
"I'm fine.." I clipped the cuffs around your wrists and threw the whip to the side.
"You're so cute when you're scared~"

I threw you on the bed and began kissing you as my hands traveled.
After hearing your moans, I turned to see the ghosts were gone.


You started lifting my shirt.

"Calm down sweetheart, your hormones must be going wild~"

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