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Still Mires POV

"Hey I'm outside.. I just want to talk"

Fuck.. already?

I grabbed my knife and wiped Brens blood from my face. I flipped my hood over my head as I walked out the backdoor.
I could see two figures that were perched near a tree. Two car headlights beamed behind them.
Gina almost jumped when she saw me coming towards her.

"Oh Y/n! You scared me.." her voice was cheerful and relieved.

Ah.. her eyes must have not adjusted in the dark.

"Why the fuck do you have that hood on? Anyways Ivan came to apologize.." Ivan stepped forward nervously.

So Ivan really did bruise Y/n's arm..

It's a good thing you told me the truth isn't it?
I would've found out either way darling, I always do <3~

"Y/n.. listen I'm sorry. R-Really I don't know what came over me" Ivan was quiet yet serious, "Honestly, I should've never taken it out on you. It's not your job to be burdened with our problems. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me? O-Only if you want.."

I almost laughed.

Seriously? How does he ever expect to get a girlfriend if he shows no dominance? Tsk Tsk.

"Well dammit are you gonna say something or are you gonna stand there in the cold looking creepy??" Gina spat.

I watched as their faces drained when I chuckled.

"Well well.. this is certainly something~"
"Mire!!" Ivan yelled and Gina began to back away frightened.
"Huh? Why are you guys making those faces? Aren't you happy to see your brother~"
I grinned as I revealed my knife. They could see it gleam in the moonlight and Ivan began to shout.

"Gina run go get help.. Mire what is wrong with you seriously?! What did you do with Y/n???"
Gina didn't move and I smirked.
"She's somewhere safe~"
I walked forward a bit twirling my knife.
"You asked what's wrong with me.. well Ivan I think I have mommy issues and Y/n is quite a good therapist~"

I smiled a bit as his eyes remained on my knife.

"Well.. maybe a little more than mommy issues. Maybe just family issues? Mental issues? Just issues in general and Y/n fixes them.."

My eyes darted at Gina and she jumped startled.
"What are you gonna do Mire?" Ivan questioned and I happily answered.

"What am I gonna do? Kill you..~"

I darted towards them both and they jumped startled. I swung my knife at Ivan and he dodged.

I struggled with Ivan as Gina was frozen in fear.
She began backing away slowly and to my surprise Ivan pulled out a knife. He caught me by surprise and the blade dragged across my face.
"Fuck!" I yelled as I smacked the knife out his hand.

My vision was blinded by red as blood dripped down from my forehead.
"Come on Gina!"
I wiped the blood from my face and looked up to see them running. My feet moved on their own as I immediately started a chase. Gina looked back and ended up tripping, which brought Ivan down with her.


I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the side.
"You think you can just take your anger out on her?"
I wound my leg back and kicked him in the stomach with full force.
Ivan coughed and covered his abdomen.
"You're mad because of your parents being dead?! Well I did it!!"
I kicked over and over until he coughed up blood. I grabbed his head and lifted him to my vision.
"You know Ivan.. I can fight~ Don't you ever in your fucking mind think you'll be able to hurt her again.. no one will." I grinned as he coughed in pain.
"Want to take your anger out?"
The blood from my head dripped down my face and landed on the cold grass.
"Take it out on me.. if you even fucking can.."

I dropped him and looked back over at Gina who hadn't moved from the ground.


"Gina are you playing dead~?"
I smiled and moved her hair.

My eyes widened at what I saw.
She wasn't playing..

"W-What's wrong with Gina?!" Ivan yelled out sorely.
"She hit her head.. and she's not breathing.." I sighed and stood up.
"YOU BASTARD!! You killed her!!" Ivan began choking up as I gave him a face of disgust.
I swung my foot back again and kicked him in the chin.

"Are you fucking dumb? She killed herself by falling on that rock!"

I wasn't the cause of her death.
Well.. not the total cause.

To my surprise Ivan started laughing.

"You ruin everything you touch Mire.. you're gonna die a horrible and painful death"

For some reason those words had an affect on me.
Adrenaline flew though my body and my palms began to sweat.

"Ever since we were young.. that's why our parents had you trapped in the house.." Ivan laughed quietly.

I grabbed him by the neck triggered.
I slammed him up and back down on the ground.

"SHUT UP, I didn't deserve any of that!!" I realized tears were falling from my eyes.

It confused me.

"O-Our parents said they saw it in you as a kid.. they said you needed to be disciplined.. and you know it" Ivan choked out as he grabbed my hands that were tightly around his neck.

"Shut up.. shut up!! I was beat constantly! You guys did nothing!!"
I shouted and began turning Ivan's neck to the side.
"How can you say I deserve this?! I didn't want to do this!! I didn't want to be insane.. I just wanted to be loved!!"

Tears were pouring from my eyes.
Tears of anger and rage.

Ivan couldn't reply anymore as I twisted his neck more slowly and slowly.
"You bastards!! Why couldn't you just let me have Y/n to myself?!?!! SHE'S MINE!!"
I screamed and saw Ivan's mouth formed his last words.



I looked up out of breath and two brown, frightened eyes were staring back at me.

"Well.. you've seen something you shouldn't have, haven't you?"

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