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The bright light breamed on your eyes as you rolled over. You stretched, pulling the covers off you.
You slept like a rock and even had drool on your face.
When you sat up and looked around, Mire was nowhere to be found.

You shrugged it off and went straight for the shower.

It was relaxing letting the hot droplets roll off your skin. The smell of coconut and vanilla fumed the air, mixed with the hot steam.
You were in longer than anticipated and got out, wrapping a towel around you. You walked into the bedroom and put on underwear, purple pajama pants and a white tank top.

You went down stairs and still no Mire.

"Ugh! Where is he??"
"Right here darling~"
You jumped as Mire snuck behind you. He gripped your waist and smelled your hair.
"G-Get off me!" You pushed and he smiled.
"That's not what you said last night~"
"Oh please! It's not like we did anything.. you desperately clung to me like a baby~"
Mire rolled his eyes.
"Suddenly you've forgotten how you were begging me please?"
You rolled your eyes and went to the fridge.

"Who said you could walk away?"
Mire gripped your wrist.
"I did" You snatched your wrist back and he slammed you against the fridge.
"You should have a little more respect.."
"Respect?? Are you insane? Why would I respect you?! You're always keeping things from me!" You yelled.
"Oh please doll, don't act like you aren't keeping your own little secrets" he refuted.
"Well it's not like you don't know them! You know what I keep from you while I don't know anything.. why do you leave me in the dark Mire?" You sounded almost hurt in the last part and he scoffed.
"It's because I love you.."
"Don't give me that bullshit!"

You and Mire glared at each other, chest to chest. No matter how mad you were at him, you still were comforted by his warmth against you.

"You look so pretty~" He smiled and you cringed.
"You're not listening!"
He pulled your wrists close and began kissing your cheeks and neck as you turned away.
"You are so pretty.. even when you're mad~"
"Stop it Mire! I'm serious!"
"You don't want me to kiss you~?"
He continued kissing your skin as you stood upset.

"Just tell me Mire.."
He stopped and sighed.
Walking over to the counter, Mire hopped on it. He sat criss crossed with his chin in his palm.
"Fine. Ask me whatever you please~"

Suddenly you didn't know what to ask. That made you even more upset. All the questions you had erased from your brain as he looked at you annoyed with a smile.
But why was he annoyed?
Why did he want to leave you in the dark so bad?

"Tell me about your company. What is it? Where is it located and what do yo do? What is it called?"
"Let's see.." Mire pretended like he was thinking as you stood with your arms crossed. "Well.. It's located in a big city not to far from here, although we have a few more company's in other places, the one I went to is headquarters."

So Mire now owns all of them??

"That girl mentioned earlier it had to do with the Mafia but I don't much like dealing with them.. they do all the dirty work beneath us so that explains why I can pretty much get away with anything doll~ We even have infiltrated members in the police force.."
"What so you're a mafia member?" You asked and he smirked.
"You would like that wouldn't you?"
"No.." you mumbled and he scoffed.
"No, our business has to do with buying and selling already made things.. atleast that's what we say.. we actually work with the mafia and police with whatever they need help with"

Alright.. sounds like a lot.

"As for my job, I just send people whenever they need help. Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't. I really didn't want to become the fucking heir but my piss ass father gave me an ultimatum, which you know."
"What about the whip marks? I thought you were at the top? Why would you get beat?"
Mire stood up and walked up to you.
"Are you worried they'll do it again~?"
You looked away, "No.."
He kissed your cheek.
"Don't worry they're dead now.."
Mire stroked your cheek a bit.
"My dad beat me with the whip. Whoever you pass it down too, you 'whip them into shape' so they call it.."

Wait he killed his dad?!

"So his father beat him.. and his fathers dad beat his father and so forth and so forth. But my father already use to beat me as a child.." You looked up at Mire and his expression changed quickly, "Ah! We won't get into that right now! But I just know that fucker enjoyed it.. every single hit and I took it. So afterwards I gave my parents these plane tickets for vacation.. I hired a suicide bomber to fly and wreck it~ Which should be around this time."
Mire smiled and you were shocked.

What about Gina and Ivan?!

"What abou-
"What about them? Gina is 18, she'll take care of Ivan and I'm sure they'll get plenty in the will.." Mire rubbed your wrist with his thumb.

You're stomach turned.
You felt guilty but you shouldn't have.
"They'll be fine.. Is there anything else you want to know darling?
You thought a bit and couldn't think of anything else.
"Wait! What about your middle name?"
"I don't have one. Now that I've told you everything, can I ask you one question?"

You nodded slowly.

"Was anyone over while I was gone?"
Mires question made your heart drop.

Does he already know? I don't know..

"You know the answer.." You boldly replied and he gave you a confused look.
"Y/n, I answered your questions it's only fair you answer mine. Was a man over and sleeping in the bed we made love in?" His grip tightened on your wrist but his smile remained.
You were uncertain what to say but Mires dark eyes knew. He knew the answer, he just wanted to see if you would lie.
"How did you know? Do you have cameras or something?! Mire that's not okay!"
"Answer the question"

His response was cold and he was starting to scare you.
You nodded up and down.
"B-But we didn't do anything I swear!"
Before you knew it Mires hand was raised before you could react.


You flinched and yelped as Mires heavy hands came down on the side of your ass. He let out a sigh and moved his hair out his face.
"I know.. I should've never left you, I'm sorry. You must've been lonely.."
Mire wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace.

I thought he was gonna slap me holy shit.. but he's apologizing?

"Mire I was really confused and angry so I did invite him over.. I'm sorry.."
"No it's okay.. I wish I didn't have to leave you alone, It's my fault"
He rubbed your now stinging bottom. "Still I can't say it didn't piss me the fuck off. You thought I was gonna hit you? Didn't you?"

You nodded and heard him smirk letting out a breath.

"You'd like that wouldn't you~? That's probably why you did it.. because you wanted me to punish you~"
"What happened to not wanting to hurt me~?" You looked up at him with your hand on his chest while keeping the same energy.
"Or were you faking that too?"
He laughed gripping your hip.

"Bingo darling~"

Mire 🛐

Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now