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Mires POV

Dammit.. I can't seem to calm down.
How could I had left you alone in a room with another man?

I took a left turn and you were quiet the whole ride.

Maybe I was too aggressive?
But I told her I wasn't putting up with her defiance anymore..

I glanced over at you and you were staring out the window.
My eyes landed on your neck which was lightly bruised. I couldn't help but smile to myself.
You look so stunning.
It's so nice to know you're atleast not feeling sick anymore.

I let out a low sigh as my head began to spin.

Fucking shit.. what's wrong with me??

I gripped the wheel tighter and you didn't seem to take notice of my nausea, which I was glad of.

I just need to calm down.. If she's mad because of what happened in the closet I'll make it up to her.
Whatever she wants.

A wave of pain throbbed in my head.
Questions and frustration began to fill.

What were her and Micheal talking about???
She's too quiet.. does she think I'm upset with her?
I suppose I am but she can still talk to me.

Just kill her.

I came to a stop at a red light.


Just lock her up.. she can't leave if she's wrapped with ropes.

Just fucking shut up..

She doesn't love you. You have to make her.

You're wrong she does love me.

You made her cry. You're going to keep making her cry by killing the ones she love.

Be quiet you don't know anything.

You love her right?
You'll kill for her right?


Then do her a favor and kill yourself.
She's gonna leave you regardless.
No one will ever love you.

You're wrong..

You're worthless. She hates you.

"Just fucking be quiet!!!" I yelled in frustration.
As I caught my breath I realized your hand was on my arm. I looked up and your eyes were beginning to tear and I knew I made a mistake.

"N-No darling I wasn't.."
"Let me out"
My heart dropped.
"What? No! I wasn't talking to you.. honestly"

The look you gave me made me stop the car.

I wouldn't believe me either but I was being honest!

I watched in horror as you unlocked the door and jumped out.

"What are you doing? Darling please get back in the car.."
You ignored me and kept walking.
As if on que it began to rain and I continued to drive beside you.
"Sweetheart It's cold and wet. Please get back in"
"Fuck off. I'll walk"

You little.. I'll let it slide.

"Y/n!" I yelled and you began to pick up the pace.

Fine.. she's gonna be like that?

I parked the car in the middle of the road and got out.
Good thing it was night and the streets were barren. The cold droplets fell on my face as the road glistened.
Your mouth seemed to drop as you seen me walk closer.

"Just let me explain.."

I saw your ankle turn as if you were about to run.

"Don't make me chase you Y/n~"

You bit your lip defeated and I tried to wrap my arms around you.
You swatted my hand.
"What do you want Mire! First you curse at me and tell me to shut up and now you chase me in the rain?"
"I'm telling you! I wasn't talking to you!" I plead, "I would never treat you like you were nothing! You know that.. your words mean everything to me.."

I watched as you crossed your arms and huffed.

"Even if that's true you've been rude all day.. I even came and visited you at school.." You rubbed your sleeves and I knew you were getting cold.
"I'm sorry.. I was really happy to see you love.."
"How come you slammed me on that desk? You could have been more gentle!" You pouted and I couldn't help but laugh.
"What?? You're mad about that? I thought it was pretty hot~"

You finally let me wrap my hands around you waist.
"Please get in the car before you get sick"
You looked me in the eyes and my heart jumped a bit. I could tell you were thinking about something.
"No, I'm still mad at you"

My eye twitched.

Maybe I should listen to that little voice and kill her..

Your stubbornness drives me crazy.

I sighed and got on my knees despite the side walk being wet.
We're you really gonna make me beg?
You looked to the side with your arms still crossed. I saw a small smile forming on your face as you tried to look upset.

She's such a cute pretender..

"What do I gotta do darling? Tell me anything you want.."

"Anything~?" You asked suspiciously.



Regular POV

You cuffed Mire to the bed and his face was priceless.
"Alright.. you got what you wanted you can uncuff me now"
"We're not done yet.."
"What?!" He spat confused.

You told him you just want to cuff him to the bed but you had other things in mind.
This time he'll get the punishment.

You began pulling down his pants and he began to struggle and pull on the cuffs.
"What do you think you're doing?! If you want to do it then you should've said that!!" Mire was getting anxious and you could tell.

He kinda looks scared.. it's cute.

"Well.. I'm still mad at you so I don't have to tell you anything" You teased and his eye twitched.
His grin was a bit crazed but you could tell he was trying his best to stay calm and nice.
"Darling.. In that case, uncuff me and I'll pleasure you"

You smiled and kissed his lips making his face redden.
"I've noticed you really like my kisses Mire~" You kissed his lips multiple times.
When you sat up he was dazed and flustered. You rubbed the outside of his pants which was now bulky.

He began pulling on the cuffs again which clanked against the bed frame.
"Darling.. If I do this.. you won't be upset with me right?"

In all honesty you weren't exactly upset with Mire anymore but he was convinced you hated him for some reason. You decided to use it against him.

You jumped a bit as the cuffs clanked again.
"You're gonna regret this doll.."

You giggled a bit and rubbed his chest.

"You'll be the one begging tonight Mire~"

Happy Birthday Mire!! 2/14!
Technically in the story his birthday is still 2 weeks away though.

To be continued ❤️

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