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"Are you gonna give me what I want.. or am I gonna have to make you?"

You laughed a bit.

"You think you can make me?"
"Don't test me Y/n.." Mire lifted his shirt and threw it to the side.
He unbuttoned his pants as you sprinted across the room.

"You always wanna play chase doll~"

NSFW/ smut warning (skip if you please)

Mire laughed and ran after you.
You let him catch you as he picked you up and pressed you against the wall.
He kissed your neck and you let out a soft noise.
He walked you over to the bed and set you down gently as he kissed and caressed your body. Mire was gentle as he licked at the red straps of your lingerie.
No words were exchanged as he uncuffed the cuffs on your wrists and you looked at him confused.

He drapped your arms over his back and whispered in your ear.

"Just hold on to me okay?"

Mire took the rest of his clothes off and dimmed the lights as you smiled at him flustered.
He climbed underneath the covers with you as you both began rubbing on each other within the heat.

You heard Mire laugh as he took the covers off both your heads.

He kissed your soft lips.

"You ready? I guess we don't need a condom huh~?"
"Be quiet Mire"
"How come I have to be quiet.." he whispered poutingly and you kissed his neck. You giggled at his expression and the mood became tense as you looked into each other's eyes.
He intertwined his right hand with yours with his left on your thigh.

You gulped as your right fingers scratched his back as he began to insert himself. You let out a gasp and he was breathing heavily by your ear.

His grip as you held hands became stronger as he tried to push himself all the way in.
You moaned as he suddenly thrusted and he kissed your neck.
He let out a shaky groan which made you get butterflies as he jerked his hips.

You gripped his shoulders full of pleasure as he thrusted his body in and out of you.

Hours passed as you went multiple rounds.

You found your way back into missionary.

Mire lifted your legs up as you both sloppily kissed out of breath.
Sweat dripped off your heated body's since y'all had already came multiple times.

Mire was out of breath but didn't seem to want to stop anytime soon.
Nevertheless, your hormones wouldn't let you stop.

"Mire.." You let out softly with a moan as he bit your neck.
"I love you" he said in your ear as he pulled out and thrusted inside you again. You gasped and scratched at his back causing him to wince in pain but he didn't stop.
"I love you so much"

Your eyes were blurred with tears and suddenly you felt something wet drop on your face.

You looked up and tears were falling from Mires eyes.

You let out a moan again as he hit your sensitive spot and you could feel yourself building on an orgasm again.
"I-I love you too Mire"
Mire kissed you as he jerked his hips.
His body began to shiver as yours shook into an orgasm.
You felt Mire release inside you as he gripped you tightly. Your back arched as you let out a heavy breath.

You and Mire fell flat on the wet bed panting.

Even though you were both sticky and laying in a dirty bed, he pulled you close into his chest.
Mire lifted your face and wiped your wet eyes as he kissed you again.

His hand traveled down to your neck, which was left with marks as he smirked rubbing them.

"We gotta shower and change these sheets.." he told you and you groaned as your body ached.
"I just wanna lay here with you.." You rubbed your head into his sticky chest and he smiled.
"I'm tired too darling.."

You both laid there trying to get the energy to get up but couldn't find any.

"Mire I'm so tired.. we shouldn't have went so many rounds.." you groaned and he laughed.
"It was fun though~"
"Okay.. on the count of three, we both get up and shower okay?"
Mire nodded and you both began to count.



"Three!" You exclaimed and you both attempted to get up but fell straight back down.

"I'm gonna cry.." you huffed and Mire groaned tiredly.
"Okay darling.. I'll count this time"
You nodded and Mire began counting.



"Three!!" Mire said loudly but neither of you moved.
There was a moment of silence before you both started laughing but immediately stopped since your body's were so sore.
"Mire I can't moveee" You whined as you put your arm on his chest.

He smiled nervously.

"Okay.. here's the plan. You lay here and I'll get a bucket of water.."
"What will that do?!" You scolded but he was serious.
"Hear me out! Okay so.. well I can't exactly get up either but I'm sure we'll figure something out.."

Mire started mumbling to himself zoned out and you groaned at his antics.

"What if we crawl?"
Mire laughed at your suggestion.
"You bend over again and we might just have to go another round~" He grinned and you pushed at his face.

"Mire what if we're paralyzed for life?!?" You covered your face pretending to be upset and he became concerned.
"Atleast we became paralyzed in the best way.. tsk tsk"
"Seriously Mire!! What are we gonna do.."

He mumbled something and then began licking your arm.
"Mire!" You yelled flustered and he flipped on top of you. "What happened to you not being able to move?!"
"Only slightly doll.."
He kissed your neck again as you squirmed against his strength.
"Fine.." He got up slowly and then picked you up bridal style.

Mire began limping and you didn't know whether he was faking it.

"I think I have pelvic arthritis now.." He frowned with a pout and you pushed at his chest as you both laughed.

You both took a shower and didn't bother cleaning the bed and decided to sleep on the couch together.
You looked out the window as Mire turned on some LED lights.

You laid down on his clothed chest as you both giggled together

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You laid down on his clothed chest as you both giggled together.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly as he played with your messy hair.

"Happy Valentines my love~"
"Happy birthday Mire.."


Hi ❤️

Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now