Part 69: Warm-Up

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I'll just say it now.


Okay, let's go.


"Owie." Lefty had awoken. His entire body, head to toe had turned a mix of dark red and purple.

"Owie indeed." Righty muttered, having an equal amount of damage. Lefty groaned out in pain and bit down on his own lip, lapping up the blood that spurted out. "Gimme some of that." Righty raised a finger, as any more than that was impossible. Lefty sighed and made a small blood tentacle. The string of crimson shakily slithered itself to Righty and into his mouth. "Gross." Righty commented as he lapped up the liquid.

"We're self-cannibalizing immortal monsters. We can't not be gross." Lefty growled. 

Both demons got up from their beds and stretched. 

"You feel it too, Righty?" Lefty asked.

"Yea..." Righty muttered.

With that, they both left the infirmity.

"How long were we out?" Righty muttered.

"You've been out for a day." Righty chuckled as a Kakushi that had been shadowing them spoke. "If you two are feeling well, then I can message Ubuyashiki to begin your training of the recruits." He said.

"That sounds good." Lefty nodded to the Kakushi.

"Very well." The Kakushi bowed and ran off. 

"Oh- and you," Righty called out to a second Kakushi that was following them. "Tell Ubuyashiki that we want to host our training where we train Shinazugawa Genya." He said. 

"Very well!" The Kakushi bowed and ran off.


"Wow..." Tanjiro Kamado muttered.  "There must be a few hundred people here." He looked at the sea of slayer recruits all around him. Him and nearly five hundred others had gathered around a giant bonfire in the center of a clearing the Red Comet made with his bare hands.

"Kahahaha!!! All these small fry think they could handle the Sussyei's?" Inosuke laughed at the large crowd.

"Hey, you're Kamado Tanjiro, right?" A recruit behind him asked.

"Huh?  Uh- yes, I am." Tanjiro nodded. 

"Wow! You fought alongside the Red Comet!?" The recruit asked. "What's he like?" The cadet beamed and asked enthusiastically.


"He's seen him?"


"Is he strong?"

"How old is he?"

"Does he eat people?"

"Wait aren't there two of them?"

"Is he single!?"

"Uh- hold on- please, one at a time-" Tanjiro stuttered as he was crowded by curious 

"Hey! Hands off!!!" Inosuke jumped in to aid his pal. "I know everything about that guy, ask me anything!!!" Inosuke shouted, dividing the attention to give Tanjiro some breathing space. 

"Jeez..." Zenitsu muttered, trying to avoid the rush of people flocking by him.

"Hello, humans!" A booming voice announced itself. Hundreds of eyes suddenly converged on a single person. Righty stood in front of the crowd, arms crossed. "It is I. The Demon." He grumbled.

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