Part 61: Clashing Demons

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Akaza and Douma walked along a dry riverbed, following the scent of their target. Akaza tilted his head slightly upward and sniffed the air.

"I can smell him!" Akaza's face lit up in a glee-filled smile.

"Jeez, you must be head over heels for this guy." Douma chuckled.

"Quiet." Akaza hissed.

"Akaza only finds enjoyment in fighting. If he's this happy already, then  this 'Red Comet' must be pretty strong." Douma thought.

A sudden change in the atmosphere caused Douma and Akaza to stop in their tracks. A certain energy loomed in the air. As seconds went on, it increased in strength.

Then they began to feel it.

The air was getting warmer and warmer. With every passing second, the temperature rose.

Then they saw it.

A lone figure strutted out of the treeline. Glowing with heat. The foliage around him was burnt to ash as he walked. He walked out of the woods and down into the riverbed. He silently approached until he was face to face with Akaza.

"Yo." Lefty cracked a vicious smile.

"Long time no see." Akaza cracked an equally vicious smile back at him.

"It's been a while. Akaza." Lefty chuckled.

"It has..." Akaza said. "With just one look, I can see how strong you've grown." Through Akaza's eyes, Akai's fighting spirit was beyond humungous. It was a swirling, burning mass of fiery energy that surrounded him completely. Like a sun. "When I look at you, I can see my greatest opponent." The power he sensed from his nemesis brought him infinite happiness. "What do you see when you look at me?" The Upper Moon asked, wondering if Akai saw the same as him.

"Hm." Lefty took his time to scan Akaza's frame. He took in a breath.

And then he spoke.

"I see a bastard that deserves to rot in hell." Lefty bit back. He was all business.

"Prideful as ever..." Akaza smiled.

"Should I... Give you two some privacy...?" Douma asked as he fanned himself.

"Leave us." Akaza turned Douma and hissed furiously.

"Fine. I'll give you two lovebirds some space. All this heat is hell on my skin anyway..." Douma turned and walked out into the woods.

"Now where were we?" Akaza turned back to Lefty.

"I believe we were about to fight to the death." Lefty said.

"Yes, let's get to it." Akaza got into a fighting pose, and Lefty followed. "Oh, and just one thing." Akaza held up a single finger.


Akaza's body lit up with blue fire. Instantly, his heat matched Lefty's. It might've even surpassed it. Somehow, another demon had acquired Akai's skill.


Many Months Prior, Right After the Infinity Train Incident:

The infinity fortress. It was an amalgam of walls, doors, pillars, floors, and ceilings that stretched out infinitely. The very concept of gravity didn't exist in this place. A person could be standing sideways or even upside down and still be rooted to the spot. The Infinity fortress was where Muzan lived when not searching for his final prize. This was also where he gave his moons missions. It was like the headquarters for the demons.

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