Part 28: Lions and Toys

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"So that's what happened, eh?" Sanemi muttered. He was currently being held down by Giyu and Genya. Akai was panting on the ground, exhausted from running for so long.

"That's right Aniki. There's no reason to be mad." Genya said.

"HE GAVE YOU HIS BLOOD!!!" Sanemi screamed and thrashed against Giyu. "YOU COULD'VE BLOWN YOURSELF UP!!!"

"Well, I didn't. And it worked out." Genya argued.

"I mean, you kinda fell apart at the end but yea." Akai muttered while making a so-so gesture with his hand.

"YOU WON'T BE DOING THIS!!! THAT'S FINAL!!!" Sanemi roared.

"Well Sanemi, if he does this, he's get stronger and he'll be harder to kill which decreases the chances of you losing your dearest brother~" Akai leaned down to Sanemi's face and said.

"..." Sanemi paused in thought for a moment.


It had been a week since their first time 'training'. With approval from Sanemi, Akai would be able to teach Genya how to use his blood. And with a bit of time, maybe even the Breath of The Cosmos.

"So, how do we begin practice?" Genya asked. He and Akai stood next to eatchother in the same patch of forest. unintentionally, the trees Akai cleared out managed to create a flat, wide space for training.

"Well I think we should..." Akai paused and thought. Then he thought for a bit longer. Then a bit longer. How was he supposed to train Genya? "Sanemi, what should be do?" Sanemi's one condition to the training was that he'd oversee it all and stop it whenever he wanted.

"Well, give him a bit and try to get him to control the output." Sanemi said.

"Okey doke." Akai nodded and pulled out a cup of blood. He handed it to Genya, who took a sip and handed it back to Akai. Genya tensed up and held his head down, trembling as his body was bathed in heat. He let a burst of steam through his mouth and bulging, orange veins appeared throughout his body. He seemed to be handling the power well.

"Nice." Akai nodded his head at Genya's progress. "Test it out." Akai ordered.

"O-Okay." Genya said. His voice had a rugged undertone to it, most likely caused by the strain and the demonic elements in his body. Genya made a fist and punched the air. The force of his punch ripped through the air and made a little shockwave. "Badass!!! Genya exclaimed and began punching the air wildly. He darted and weaved throughout the area, pursuing an imaginary enemy. After about twenty seconds Genya's body emitted a blast of steam and he was left as a normal human again, covered in sweat. Genya slumped forwards and onto the ground. He sat crossed legged as Akai and Sanemi jogged to him.

"What now?" Genya asked.

"That's enough for today." Akai patted him on the back.

Over a period of three months, Akai and Genya would train with eatchother. Practicing and honing their techniques. Akai had also improved his relationship with Sanemi and becane full friends with Genya.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke also had begun their recovery training. And after heading back to the estate every evening, Akai would talk to them. With all the good people around him, Akai let his rage towards demons (mostly Akaza) dissipate for the time. Allowing him to achieve peace with others and peace within himself.


Akai had an off day. Genya was off on a mission with Sanemi. Tanjiro and Zenitsu were also on a mission. And he didn't really feel like hanging out witb Inosuke. So that meant one thing was left.

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