
427 7 51

Just running a 'community' survey for you guys to answer. Comment on the text to give me your answer.

1. What do you think about my choice to split Akai in two?

-love it

-like it

-don't like it, don't dislike it either

-dislike it

-hate it

-free response (say what you want)

2. Do you want to jump to the final battle?

-yes, timeskip

-no, take your time

- free response (say what you want)

3. Is there a character you feel I should cover more?

- free response (say what you want)

4. Do you want a lemon (18+ part/s@x scene)? If so, who?

- free response (say what you want)

5. How would you want this story to end?

-peaceful ending, conflict resolved, no one fights or dies

-happy ending, everyone lives, demons die

-neutral ending, some people die

-bad ending, everyone dies

- free response (say what you want)

6. What is your favorite thing about this story?

- free response (say what you want)


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