Bio of The Twin Comets

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Name: Akai Suisei
Alias: The Red Commet
Age: 1014-1016 years. He forgot.
Description: Akai's height would be roughly between Rengoku and Tomioka. Akai is around the height of Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi when he's shrunken his smallest. He has messy short black hair and large brown eyes (boring, right?). He also has a large red streak on his cheek, reminiscent of a red comet. He's fairly well built for a teenager.

Demon abilities: Incredible strength, speed, hearing, sight and smell. Potent healing factor. Can heal devastating wounds in seconds. Neck is soft, but can be reattached easily if  cut off. Is immune to sunlight. He consumes his own blood for sustenance and to boost his healing.
Demon blood art: Forging Fang.

Akai can grind either one of his canines on his upper onto any object to turn them into whatever he is thinking about. His focus and knowledge of what he is creating dictates its quality when he makes it.
Special trait: Blazing soul.
Wheras other uniqie slayers have unique traits such as an enhanced sense, The Red Comet has a powerful soul. He can channel his life energy to superheat his limbs and body. This will cause him to move much quicker and his physical attacks to devastatingly more powerful. The downside is that if he were to overuse it, his limbs and body would begin to burn out. Overheating and shriveling until Akai either stops using them or the muscles completely burn away. His only way of healing this is to consume his own blood or flesh during or after using it. Akai could also use his soul to form mental connections with others by coming in contact with their forheads to share memories. Akai showed this with Shinobu and with the underground demons.
Breathing Style: Breath of The Cosmos.

Akai's breathing style is based off many different attacks he sees the pillars use. His techniques combine the attcks he learned from others with elements of the cosmos. His first few techniques follow.

First Form: Piercing meteor: Akai bursts forward and rockets his fist deep into his target and superheats it, making a small explosion that emplodes the opponent from the inside out. This move is bases of the 7nth form of Water Breathing, 'Piercing Rain Drop'

Second Form: Serpent of The Stars: Akai vanishes into body of a giant snake whose scales are dark blue and speckled with flecks of light lile the night sky. The snake darts left to right as it moves forward increadibly quickly. Once it reaches the opponent, it rapidly moves to their side and wgips its head around to strike. Akai flies out of the snake's maw and hits the enemy with an explosive punch. This move would be meant to disorientate and or dispatch an enemy. This move was derived from the Second form of Serpent Breathing, 'Venom Fangs of The Narrow Head.

Third Form: Wrath of the Cosmos: Akai ignites his arms and legs with a blazing heat. He moves at unmeasurable speeds and unleashes an onslaught of explosive blows amd attacks at every angle. This move would be his first origional attack, and was actually created in a bloodthirsty rage while he was fighting a demon that bit off Obanai Iguro's arm.

Fourth Form: Protector of The Stars: Akai superheats his entire body and moves at immesurable speeds. He moves around all of his allies, defending them and destroying anything that dares pose a threat to him. He first tested this by protecting Flame Pillar, Kyojuro Rengoku from mosquitoes.
Likes: The pillars, life in the corp, his blood, Aoi, killing demons.
Loves: Killing demons, Aoi (he's getting there)
Hates: Demons, being alone, Muzan, Muzan A LOT.
Fears: Muzan, the upper moons, Naho, Kiyo, Sumi, Aoi when she's mad, Pillars when they're mad, being failure, becoming a monster, dying (duh)

Demon brothers' bios down here \/

New Bios:


Name: Righty Suisei (most used name)
Full Name: Akai Ai Suisei
Other Names/Aliases: Righty-kai, Right Akai, Pinky, Twin Comets (his cool name when paired with Lefty)
Description: Think of old Akai. Except he has a tuft of pink hair on the top of his head. His hair grew out a little.

Age: 1015-1017 years
Mental age: 15 to 17
Technical age: Like 3 months (since he was split and became righty)
Demon abilities: Same as old Akai
Demon Blood Art: Same as old Akai
Special Trait: Same as old Akai you get it now.
Breathing Style: Breath of the Cosmos

He retains all of Old Akai's previous moves. But he and Lefty, due to their different blood demon arts, may have to branch their techniques off into two different paths. Because of this, they will no longer be numbered.
Likes loves dislikes and hates are all the same, EXCEPT...


Righty officially loves Aoi. And likes to spend most of his time in the Corp with her. She finds it charming, and isn't annoyed by it.

Name: Lefty Suisei (most used name)
Full name: Akai Kirai Suisei
Other Names and Nicknames/Aliases: LeftAkai, Lefty-kai, Red, Twin Comets (cool name when paired with Righty)
Description: He looks like Old Akai, but he got a new hairdo. All of his hair is now a marginal amount longer. It's naturally slicked back, but a tuft of red hair curls down onto his forehead. He also sports clothing that exposes his back, stomach, legs and middle chest. This leaves him open to more damage. Now that may seem counter intuitive, but more cuts lead to more blood, which aids in the use of his demon art. If he feels embarrassed, he can change his clothes into whatever he wants to cover up. More info on how he does that later.
Age: 1015-1017 years
Mental age: 15 to 17
Technical age: Like 3 months (since he was split and became lefty)
Demon abilities: Same as old Akai
Demon Blood Art: Blood Manipulation

Lefty can bend his own blood at his own will. He can manipulate it to form tentacles to wrap around someone or climb something. He can also form the blood into blades, giving it offensive capabilities. In addition, he can make it fly, similar to Gyutaro's splattersickles. In a way, he copies Daki's tentacle attacks and Gyutaro's flying blades with his demon art. It makes him sad sometimes. They really didn't deserve what he did to them...
Special trait: same as old Akai
Breathing Style: Breath of the Cosmos

He retains and can use all of the old styles.

The first new style would include:

Meteor Hellstorm: It is an even deadlier version of Meteor Shower. By picking up debris and raising it into the sky with his blood, Lefty can set up a devastating aerial attack within a minute. When he triggers this, the blood ignites and zooms down at high speed, raining flaming debris down on an opponent.
Loves, likes, dislikes, and Hates are all the same

Time for a Taisho secret!

Lefty is secretly very shy. Any and all remarks on his clothing or body make him flustered. If he overloads on this, he hides away in a comfy blanket made of his own skin.

Anyways, That was the bios of the Twin Comets. See ya soon!

(Except maybe not cuz I'm a lazy bum who takes a long time to update)

Btdubs I'll add images when I feel like it.

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