Part 42: Self Harm

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It was a day after the battle with the sibling demons. All slayers were in critical condition. The exception being the two Akai's, who were clear of any wounds.

Left Akai sat up in his bed. He had been placed in Shinobu's room by the look of it.

"You're finally awake." Shinobu greeted him, she was looking down at her desk and mixing poisons.

"Morning." Left Akai growled and went to get up. He stopped when he felt resistance om his hand. There was an incredibly thick nichirin chain keeping him on the bed.

"You'll have to stay here until we know if you two are trustworthy. I'm sorry." Shinobu said still not looking up from her desk.

"Nah." Left Akai got up and tore the chain from the bed, ripping through the wooden bedframe with ease. "Strong binds need strong foundations." Left Akai said with a chuckle.

"Stay right where you are." Shinobu spun around and grabbed her sword, still in its sheathe. "Don't make me use force." She began to unsheathe it.

"Please, what can a weakling like you do?" Akai rushed forward and stopped when he was inches from her. "Your sword is meant for stabbing, wih no blade besides a point at the tip. That means you can't draw it from this range. You're useless." Left Akai leaned down to look her in the eye. He spoke with utter confidence.

Shinobu glared at him and reached for a dagger on her desk. She grabbed it and stabbed Lefty in the side. Left Akai didn't flinch. Shinobu gasped as the blade began to shake. The dagger's edge was slowly pushed out by red tendrils made out of blood. The tendrils quickly broke the dagger's blade on half and retracted into the closing wound.

"..." Shinobu held a defiant glare as she dropped the dagger. 

"...I'll be leaving now." Left Akai turned away from her and exitted the room. Shinobu growled and ran straight outside to get more pillars.


Right Akai slowly awakened. He was in the Butterfly Estate's infirmiry. He yawned and went to stretch, but his arm was stopped by a chain linked to his bedframe.

"Morning, Akai." Aoi greeted him.

"Morning, Aoi." Right Akai smiled at the sight of her face.

"I hope it's not too uncomfortable." She said, reffering to his chain.

"No, I get it." He chuckled slightly. "Where's the other me?" Right Akai asked.

"He's in Shinobu's room." She answered.

"Good." Right Akai pinched his chain, breaking it. He stretched and got out of bed.

"Wait! Stay here!" Aoi rushed over and held his arm down softly.

"Can't do that." Right Akai lifted his hand despite Aoi's efforts to hold him down. He walked past her and out of the infirmiry.

"Where are you going!?" Aoi yelled.

"To beat the crap out of my counterpart." Right Akai growled. "Don't follow me." He ordered.

Despite Shinobu's orders, Aoi stood still. She didn't want to witness what happened next.

Right Akai slowly walked down the hall. He turned the corner to be met with Left Akai. Right Akai's gaze darkenned and he slowly walked towards Left Akai.

"Yo." Left Akai gave Right Akai a little wave.

"..." Right Akai exuded an aura of pure malice.

"...I knew you'd come after me the moment we awoke. Come on then." Left Akai dropped the act and held a defensive stance.

"I'll beat the shit out of you for the way you tortured Daki and Gyutaro." Right Akai said and remembered the event. He remembered Daki's agonized wailing as her head was crushed. And Gyutaro's desperate screams and Lefty killed his sister. Right Akai bared his teeth and heated his limbs. "YOU FUCK!!!" Right Akai roared and charged towards Left Akai, tackling him through a wall and out of the estate.  Right Akai continued to charge and blew through the old fence, opening a giant hole in it. Righty finally dug his fingers into Lefty's chest and spun, throwing his copy fifty feet away into a large rock. Lefty's back collided with it and he vomitted blood.

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