Part 39: The Siblings (2/3)

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The slayers and the sibling demons were in a silent standoff. With the arrival of Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu, Akai was in much higher spirits. Daki was brimming with rage, and Gyutaro seemed only slightly annoyed.

"Even though your underling just got here. There'll be no happy ending for ya, man." Gyutaro scratched an itch on the side of his head and said to Tengen. "You're all gonna die, so don't you dare get all sparkly eyed." Gyutaro said to every slayer and twirled his sickles.

The room got silent again as the slayers and demoms stared eatchother down. The atmosphere in the room got thicker and thicker. The more the slayers stared down the demons, the more they realized how hard it would be to kill them, and how easy it would be for some of them to get killed.

"We'll win. We are the Demon Slayers." Uzui brought words of encouragement to the slayers, as if he had sensed their fear and wanted to help them.

"No you can't! That pillar, your last hope, will die of poison!" Daki suddenly yelled. Everyone but Tengen and Akai froze, the thought of Tengen dying was fresh in their minds. Tengen saw their fear and took in a deep breath.

"WE'LL WIN EASILY, YOU DUMB UNDERLINGS!!! I MIGHT BE POISONED, BUT I'M RUNNING HIGH!!! DON'T LOOK DOWN ON HUMANS!!!" Uzui yelled at the top of his lungs. "These boys are my prized succesors! They've got guts, so beware!!!" Tengen bluffed. Despite how obvious the bluff was, Daki and Gyutaro both took a step back, slightly on edge.

"Deception at its finest." Akai smirked.

"And I've already figured out how to beat em!" Tengen yelled pridefully. "We just have to lob off their heads at the same time!!!" Akai could swear he saw Rengoku's fire in the sound pillars eyes.

"Guwahahaha!!! How easy! We'll win for sure!" Inosuke shouted and raised his blades.

"That 'easy win' you're hoping for won't be so easy. As for pillars, we ate a ton. Fifteen for me and seven for Daki, to be exact." Gyutaro said with a sick smile.

"That's right, nobody's surviving tonight. The  night has always been our ally." Daki said confidently. "You're all gonna meet your deaths here!" Daki lunged forward at Tengem, kicking off the true battle. Zenitsu flew forward, making her withdrawal and fly through the ceiling.

"Leave the maggot girl to me and Monitsu! You get mantis boy!" Inosuke gripped his blades and flew through the hole Daki made with Zenitsu.

"...My sis won't get put down." Gyutaro growled, he looked at Tengen, Tanjiro and Akai with a mix of pure clamness and pure bloodlust, ready to begin fighting as well.

In an instant, he was in front of Tanjiro, ready to impale the fire breather through the chin with his sickles. Tengen rushed forward and deflected the attack, taking a small wound to the elbow in return. Akai flew in and began backing up Uzui, clashing blades with Gyutaro's right hand as Tengen took the left. All the while, Tanjiro caught his breath a little ways away from them. Gyutaro smirked and closed one of his eyes. A few seconds later, Akai felt a presence above him and ducked as dozens of sashes descended from the ceiling. They wildly flailed around, one sash would be bad enough, but this many would be too dangerous to handle.

"Dammit. Tanjiro! Pick up my slack!" Akai yelled. "I gotta get Daki!" He said and jumped through the same hole in the ceiling Inosuke and Zenitsu went through.

Akai flew through the hole and landed on the rooftop, where Daki was laughing maniacly with a third eye on her forehead. It was Gyutaro's. Akai growled and stood next to Zenitsu and Inosuke, who were catching their breath. 

"I can see all your movements cause nii-san's awake now! This is true power!!!" Daki's attacks grew ever more accurate and fierce with the aid of Gyutaro's eye to guide her.

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