Part 12: We Aren't

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Three children. A man. A woman. The couple looks at their children with utter disdain. Pullling them along into the forest, they take them to a clearing.

"Play in the dirt. We'll come back later." The parents lie. They leave and their kids to play in the dirt. The kids dig holes and play with the creatures they find. Eventually, they get cold. They get hungry. They get sick. Their parents never came back. It's not fair. The kids didn't deserve to be forgotten.

"Children." A man in an expensive suit walks out of the trees.

"Daddy?" One of the kids asked weakly.

"No, child. But I'm here to help you, just take my hand, and you can be strong enough to get back at your parents." The man says.

"But we don't hate them..."

"Just do it." The man's eyes glow red, and the fearful children followed him.


Akai awoke in a white void. He looked around wildly.

"Mister." Alai heard a small voice call.

"Hm?" Akai turned down to see a small girl with two brothers. In her eyes, Akai sees the demon that ate Obanai's arm. In the eyes of her brothers, he sees the mole and gopher demons. Akai scowled for a moment and bunched his fist.

"No, no." The kids raised their hands. And Akai withdrew his anger. "What is it?" Akai crouched to their height.

"We aren't... We aren't monsters. We just want to talk..." The girl says quietly.


"Muzan turned you evil?" Akai asked.

"No... He- He burrows into your mind. He takes people you loved and he- he changes your memories, your feelings, your emotions... He makes you hate them! He makes you mad! Until all you are is an angry monster!" The girl broke into tears as her brothers wept behind her.

"..." Akai sat, uncertain of what to say.

"Mister..." The girl said after wiping her tears. "Thank you for saving us." The girls said quietly. "Save the other demons too..." the kids said in unison. They wiped their tears and turned to walk away.

"W-where are you going?" Akai suddenly asked the kids.

"We're going to hell. Until the next life." The kids turned with smiles. They understood what they had done, and they were ready.


Akai awoke in his hospital bed. He clutched his chest while gasping for air.

"Akai!!!" Akai heard someone shout his name. He heard rapid footsteps and saw Aoi running to his bed.

"Aoi..." Akai suddenly felt tired.

"Stop moving! You'll injure yourself!" Aoi held his hand down.

"What? I'm-" Akai suddenly felt his arms and legs erupt into searing pain. Akai shot his gaze to his limbs. They were incredibly shriveled, scrawny, bruised, and injured. Akai had burnt so much energy in his rage that he was nearly left at the bone. "Oh jeez." Akai sighed.

"We have no way of healing you. I'm sorry." Aoi said sadly. "We don't know how to fix this."

"I do." Akai said and bit into his own arm.

"Akai!" Aoi went to stop him

"No, look." Akai said as small droplets of blood trickled down his chin.

"What..." Aoi stared as Akai's limbs began inflating to their normal size. And Akai's wounds and broken limbs went back to normal. "Impossible..."

"I don't know either." Akai said and got up.

"Wait!" You have to stay here.

"I'm fine. I'm already at tip-top condition." Akai said.

"How do you know?" Aoi asked. She blinked and Akai was next to her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "WH-WHAT THE HELL!?" She spun to slap him, but he was already at the door.

"I'll be alright. You don't have to worry about me!" Akai waved with a wholesome smile. Aoi only blushed and looked away.

"Come back later!" She called while looking away from Akai.

"Alright!" Akai said and walked out of the butterfly estate.

Akai walked down the trail to the Serpent estate. Akai smelled Kakushi following him.

"I'm just checking on my buddy. You guys can follow if you want." Akai said. Immediately, seven Kakushi came out of the shadows and followed Akai with knives. Akai reached the door of the serpent estate.

"Hey, Mr. Iguro! Or eh... Obanai... Obanai?" Akai knocked on the door.

"Akai?" The Serpent Pillar opened the door. He wore his normal uniform, except his sleeve was torn off and showed his arm, which was connected to his shoulder by a light pink scar. "Come in. You can leave." Obanai ushered Akai in and dismissed the Kakushi.

"So, how's your arm?" Akai asked shyly.

"It feels normal. Shinobu says I might have died of blood loss if you hadn't helped me." Obanai said gratefully.

"I'm glad you're alright." Akai smiled and nodded.

"I was actually thinking of something." Obanai trailed off.

"Eh?" Akai raised his eyebrow.

"I know you can seal injuries..." Obanai said quietly. "So could you help me with something else? Obanai asked hopefully.

"Oh, sure dude. What's the problem?" Akai leaned forward like a concerned friend.

"There are these scars on my mouth..." Obanai muttered.

"Show me, I bet I can fix em!" Akai said with determination.

"O...Okay..." Obanai slowly undid his bandages around his face.

"It doesn't seem that ba-WOAH!!!" Akai's face lit up with horror when he saw Obanai's mouth. His lips and cheeks had been sliced open to make his mouth look like that of a snake. Imagine Joker if his smile was instead a straight horizontal line that healed into a scar. "What happened!?" Akai crawled forward.

"A demon from a long time ago..." Obanai whispered. "Can you fix it?"

"I'm sure I can. It might be a bit awkward though..." Akai shrugged.

"What?" Obanai was confused on why it would be awkward.

"You see, I can change things by rubbing my tooth against them... it might look like we're... y'know?" Akai said shyly.

"It'll be fine, no one's here to see." Obanai said.

"Okay. Here goes..." Akai crouched to Obanai's height and hooked his hand under the Serpent Pillar's chin. "No homo..." Akai thought and brought his mouth to Obanai's lips. "Oh god, this is messy!" Akai tried to work his mouth around Obanai's lips so his canine could rub against all of his scars.

"Obanai! I-" Mitsuri walked in and noticed what was happening. She saw Obanai's back was turned to her. She also saw Akai leaning down so their faces were on the same level. She saw Akai holding Obanai's face as he messily mashed what she assumed to be their lips together. She wondered how far the two boys had gone into this. "Oh my!!!" She thought as her face flushed with red. The two of them turned their heads when they heard her gasp. A messy trail of saliva was left between them. Further solidifying her dirty thoughts.

"I didn't know you two were in this kind of relationship..." Mitsuri looked away with shame.

"NONONO!!! WE AREN'T!!!" Akai and Obanai shouted.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you!" MitsurI turned around and ran outside.







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