Part 55: Burning Resolve (2/4)

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The red dragon let out a piercing shriek as it zoomed through the woods.

"It should be around here!" Lefty thought and jumped high into the air, making the dark night glow with an orange-red shimmer.

"There!!!" Lefty zeroed in on three figures. He slowly let his body turn midair until his head pointed straight at the ground. As he began to descend, he started taking in deep beaths. The closer he got the the ground, and the faster he traveled, the deeper his breaths were. Then, he let a blast of fire from his mouth, creating enough negative pressure to bring him to the ground smoothly. He flipped and landed on his feet, a small line of smoke billowing from his mouth.

"Oh hey..." Kotetsu muttered. Kotetsu, Muichiro, and Mr. Kanamori were the people he had seen.

"Yo." Lefty gave them a two fingered salute as a greeting. "I spotted you guys from the sky, are you heading towards Mr. Haganezuka too?" Lefty asked.

"Yes, we are!" Kanamori answered.

"Just my luck." Muichiro muttered and walked up to Lefty. He reached down and unsheathed his sword before presenting it to Lefty. The sword was dulled and chipped from cutting though those fish monsters.

"Use your tooth to fix this." Muichiro ordered.

"Uh... I'm the other one. The blood noodle guy? I'm Lefty! Righty is the one with the tooth thing! We fought eatchother for a week and you still can't tell me apart from my brother!?" Lefty responded angrily.

"Tch. Useless." Muichiro growled and turned away.


"Shut up!" Kotetsu jumped up from behind and covered Lefty's mouth. "You guys need to fight the demons, not each other!!!" He yelled.

"Um- Muichiro-kun. I can fix the sword." Kanamori said. Muichiro turned around with a straight face, but a slightly warmer aura.


"Good as new!" Kanamori exclaimed, admiring his handiwork. Muichiro stared at his sword's edge before sheathing it.

"Are we good? Good. Then lets go!" Lefty exclaimed. Immedietly, him and Muichiro broke into a sprint, leaving Kotetsu and Kanamori in the dust.

"Wait!!! You two are supposed to protect us!!!" Kanamori shouted and ran after them with Kotetsu.


Lefty and Muichiro broke off into a more open area. In the center of said area layed the toolshed where Haganezuka worked in.

"Thank the gods!" Kanamori panted. "No monsters are here, He's safe! Quick, Muichiro! We have to give yoy the sword so you can protect the cheif!" Kanamori panted.

"Hold on." Muichiro grabbed Kanamori, holding him away from an unseen threat. "It's coming..."

"Hyo!" A vace slowly hopped out of the bushes. "You noticed me huh? You must be a pillar!" A nasty sounding voice rang out as a slimy figure rose from the hole in the vase. It unfurled into a being with multiple tiny arms, white fish like skin, mouths where its eyes should be, an eye where its mouth should've been, and another eye placed vertically upon its forehead.

The Upper Moon stench suddenly rose to Lefty's nose.

"I couldn't smell him until he came out!" Lefty thought.

"Hello, my guests. My name is Gyokko. May I have a minute bfore I kill you all?" Gyokko asked, raising one finger.

Everyone but Muichiro raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

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