Part 82: Poison

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"...It's security." Shinobu admitted.

"What does that mean?" Akai asked in a low growl.

"It's a wisteria extract, altered by both Lady Tamayo and me to be more efficiently absorbed by my body. It's multiple times more toxic to demons than what I use with my sword." She explained. "I've been ingesting it twice a day since training began."

"Why would you be drinking th-" Akai froze, as his blood grew cold. "You..." He shuddered. "You're not planning on feeding yourself to Douma, are you!?" Akai raised his voice to just barely below a yell. "Do you know how much it would hurt Giyu if you up and killed yourself!?"

"...Are you really going to lecture me about that?" Shinobu hissed, and Akai gritted his teeth. "If I'm correct, you had quite a similar plan to mine."

Akai fumed, not having anything to rebuke her statement.

"As I said, it's security!" Shinobu said. "Even with my weapon and your Hamon, if I am defeated in the coming battle I can still aid you all after my death!" 




"You don't have to do that, you know." Akai brought a hand to his waist and unhooked a blood cup. He popped the cap off of the cup with his thumb and held it out to her.

"Drink it." Akai stared her straight in the eye with an iron conviction. "If you want power, then come and take it. Become a good demon, Shinobu." One would be able to see Akai's relation to Muzan at the sight of his current facial expression.

Shinobu stared at the crimson liquid. If she drank this, then she'd finally have what she wanted for the longest time. She'd have the strength to avenge her sister. To murder that son of a bitch Douma.

A few agonizing seconds went by as Shinobu remained affixed to the contents of the small wooden cup.

"...No." Shinobu tore her gaze away from the alluring liquid and closed her eyes. "I joined this war a human, and I plan to end it as one." Shinobu explained. "On my pride as a demon slayer, I will never become a demon, good or not." Despite her serious complexion, inside her mind was swirling with possibilities if she had taken up his offer. It would be no doubt that she wouldn't be getting any sleep that night.

"Guess there's no changing your mind then." Akai sighed and let out a dry chuckle. "I'm a hypocrite for confronting you about it anyway." Akai mumbled to himself. "But know this, Shinobu." Akai began. "I'll make sure that you'll never need to use that poison. I'll protect you." Akai was one hundred percent serious.

"I don't need your protection." Shinobu retorted.

"Probably, but just in case." Akai shrugged and left.


Akai didn't have anywhere else to go, so he settled on getting some sleep.

As he finally neared his room, a certain girl passed him.

"Hi!" Mumei waved to him as she passed him.

"Yo." Akai waved back and went into his room.

Akai sighed and hopped onto his bed, stretching and putting his hands behind his head.




"WAIT A MINUTE!!!" Akai shot back up and flew out of his room, obliterating his door. He looked around frantically, but he was already gone. He sniffed the air and blasted after her scent.

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