Part 6: The Demon Slayers

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"Hmmmm..." Akai woke from his unconsciousness.

"You're awake?" The man asked from outside the jacket Akai was wrapped in.

"Yes. Say, do you have a name, scary man?" Akai asked with the innocence of the child he once was.

"My name is Gyoumei Himejima." Gyoumei answered.

"I'm Akai Suisei. I was hoping to meet under different circumstances."

"What kind of circumstances?" Gyoumei asked.

"I wanted to have a meeting with all of you. So that I'd be able to come to an agreement. I see now that you guys are all people of action." Akai sighed.

"Well, you don't normally see any good demons around here." Gyoumei brought up a good point.

"I guess so."




"Say, Akai. What circumstances brought you here?" Gyoumei asked.

"Well, I met Muzan when he was still weak. His claw barely grazed my cheek, infecting me. But only giving me the power of a demon." Akai explained.

"How many people have you killed?" Gyoumei questioned further.

"Zero. None." Akai said.

"Impossible, your regeneration is upper moon level." Gyoumei growled.

"I'll explain when we get there." Akai grumbled.

"We're here."

"We're here?"



Akai was chained up in a dark room. Sunlight beamed through a window, said window showing a pebbly garden with beautiful trees and ponds.

"Hello? Anyone?" Akai called.

Akai became quiet as two pairs of light footsteps raced towards his room. The door to the room slid open and two people dressed in all black with cloth covering their faces stormed into the room. One grabbed Akai's chains as the other held an umbrella above him and the first ninja-looking person.

"Oh hey. You guys are the dudes who follow the slayers around." Akai smiled in a friendly manner.

"Shut up, demon." The one holding him shoved Akai forward.

"Okay, sorry." Akai frowned and pouted.

Akai was walked to a section in the middle of the garden. His umbrella provided to him by the second ninja dude kept the sun from him. The man tasked with holding him hammered the chains into the ground and stood up straight. He took in a deep breath and shouted:

"THE DEMON IS HERE!!!" Before running off silently.

Suddenly, the building in front of him's double doors slid open to reveal a line of swordsmen. The Hashiras, or pillars. In the center sat a man with a large purple blotch over his eyes, he seemed blind, like Gyoumei. To his sides sat two small girls.




"Hello!" Akai greeted with a smile.




"Uh... I-"

"DO NOT SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO!" The ninja dude who had brought Akai there poked his head around the corner and yelled, before retreating back behind the corner.

"Oh..." Akai sat silent as the demon slayer corp stared at him.

"Who are you?" The assumed blind man asked.

"Who are YOU?" Akai asked with the courage of a sassy child.

"YOU LITTLE-" A Hashira with white hair and a crazy amount of scars along his arms and face began to shout. But was silenced by the blind man.

"Shush, Sanemi." The man said with the voice of a calm father.

"Yes, master." Sanemi calmed himself.

"My name is Kagaya Ubuyashiki. These are my children, Nichika and Hinaki." The man in the center gave his name. "Introduce yourselves." Kagaya said to the hesitant Hashiras.

"Muichiro Tokito. Mist pillar" A roughly 14-year-old boy with long hair black that ended in blue highlights began.

"Gyounei Himejima. Rock Pillar." Gyoumei stated his name to Akai again.

"Uzui Tengen. Sound Pillar." A much larger slayer with a sleeveless uniform and a red mark over around left eye came next.

"Kyoujiro Rengoku! Flame Pillar!" A man that looked very similar to a red and orange lion puppet Akai used to have at home gave his name. He had a constant smile, but Akai guessed it wasn't genuine.

"Sanemi Shinazugawa... Wind Pillar." The angry pillar covered in scars still acted with shame after being shushed by Ubuyashiki.

"Mutsuri Kanroji... Love Pillar." a beautiful woman that long pink hair with green highlights averted her gaze.

"Shinobu Kochou. Insect Pillar!" A very short female with large, pupil-less eyes purple eyes. She had shoulder-length hair t at started black and ended in purple that was tied into a "yakai maki" style of he remembered correctly. She wore a coat decorated to look like a butterfly's wings and had just the cutest smile.

"Giyu Tomioka... Water Pillar..." A very shy but scary-looking man with a half and half Haori stated his name.

"Well... I'm Akai Suisei. The Red Comet." Akai stated his nickname.

"Wait. THE Red Comet?" Sanemi asked.

"Yea. Does that have a negative connotation?" Akai raised his eyebrow.

All of the pillars got to their feet and began unsheathing their weapons.

"You killed thousands!!!" Sanemi spat.

"No, no that's a big misconception." Akai tried to tell his end of the story.

"Enough talk. I'm done talking with this demon scum!" Sanemi yelled and unsheathed his sword. He burst forward, gripping his sword handle.

"Crap. What do I do!?!?" Akai thought frantically. "Use your power to your advantage!" Akai yanked his chains out of the ground and grabbed the umbrella. He pulled it out of the ground and gnashed his tooth against it. "Become a sword! Pretty please." Akai ordered. The umbrella glowed before reshaping itself into an ugly sword. Akai grasped the sword and used it to block Sanemi's drawing slash. Sanemi growled and moved to the side for a follow-up.

"CRAP!!!" Akai couldn't dodge in time. He prayed that in any way he could dodge. So his body did just that. His body reduced its size to the point he looked like a toddler. Akai used this to his advantage and rolled forward so that he was under Sanemi. Akai then went back to normal size as he went into a jump, letting his head shoot straight into Sanemi's crotch.

Mitsuri stifled a laugh as Sanemi was sent flying up, he landed on his back and groaned as he clutched his groin. Akai stood in the center. He let the ugly sword he made hit the ground and he stood with empty hands. He stood in the sun. A demon. In the sun. With no damage. The pillars and Ubuyashiki realized what he was doing and stared, jaws dropping. Even Sanemi ignored his pain and stared wide-eyed at Akai.

"...What?" Akai asked.

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