Bonus Part: Life After Dark

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It was night-time in the Demon Slayer Corp, the clear night sky shone bright and briliantly, like a black blanket sprinkled with jewels. Most were asleep at the time, but some slayers stayed up. One can only wonder what they were up to.

Down in the Butterfly Estate, Kanao sat alone on her bed. Maintaining full focus breathing to hone her skill in the subject. Aoi Kanzaki laid awake in bed. She would always have nightmares about her time in the final selection. Normally, she'd think of Akai and feel better. But she was scared. Akai was two people now. What if they both loved her? What if neither of them loved her? The thought kept her up.

Tanjiro had his own room. He was still in a coma, covered in bandages with a kakushi watching over him. Nezuko slept near him inside her box.

Down in the infirmiry, Zenitsu and Inosuke slept. Inosuke's breathing was much weaker than Zenitsu's, but it stayed consistent and deep. Bandages covered Inosuke's chest, arms and legs. He was the second most damaged of the ones who fought Daki and Gyutaro.

The title for most damaged would go to Uzui Tengen, who lied in a bed in his own home. Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma slept next to him, dried tear marks laid under their eyes. He was missing a hand and an eye and was coveres head to toe in bandages. He lost his left hand and left eye though, so he should be all-right now.

(Badum- tsh!)

Further down in the woods, Sanemi and Genya Shinazugawa fought eatchother with wooden swords, Sanemi was training Genya's swordsmanship during his small amount of free time between frewuen missions. Each strike created a loud wooden knock that echoed out into the woods.

In another house, Obanai Iguro helped his snake, Kabarumaru, shed its skin. He pinched the snake's tail and pulled the old layer of skin off of it, freeing the new skin underneeth.

Elsewhere, Mitsuri Kanroji slept soundly. She giggled in a bubbly manner with a streak of red across her face. She was dreaming of having a date with Obanai.

In Giyu Tomioka's home, Shinobu Kocho bandaged a shallow but long cut on the Water Pillar's arm. Giyu had just returned from a mission and had gained a few minor cuts. He sat up in his bed as she cleaned and bandaged his wounds. They were both in their pajamas, as Giyu had asked her to come while she was getting ready for bed.

"How was it?" She asked.

"The demon I found wasn't particularly difficult. I finished it quickly. It did not have any unique trait. I think it lacked a demon art as well." Giyu said. Shinobu tied on the last of the bandages and sighed. "Is there anything else bothering you?" She asked.

"I... Can't sleep." Giyu murmered. Shinobu nodded and handed him a handful of seeds.

"Eat these right before you go to bed." She ordered. With that finished, she put her supplies away and got up to leave.

"Wait." Giyu put a hand around her wrist. Shinobu froze. "Stay the night." Giyu said, Shinobu stared at him and chuckled.

"Tomioka, this is the worst time to be asking for 'that' right now." Shinobu said with her normal voice, but inside she was getting annoyed.

"It's not that." Giyu let his hand slide down her wrist so he now held her hand. "I just want you to stay, that's all." He explained.

"And why would you want that?" Shinobu turned to him.

"I don't want drugs. Drugs are a temporary. I use them and get one night of sleep." Giyu began. "You're... You're... You're a permanent cure. My cure." He said.

His phrasing made Shinobu blush deeply.

"When I'm near you, I feel better. All the stress and all the pain leaves me for once." Giyu said passionately. "Whenever you're with me, I feel amazing. I finally have a chance to relax when we're together." Giyu explained the best he could. "Y You're like my medecine. And I-I'm addicted to you." Tomioka said. By now, he was blushing, and Shinobu was as red as a cherry. His intense, loving gaze kept her rooted to the spot.




"I-I suppose I could s-stay the night... But just this once." She looked away and muttered, refusing to look into those bedazzling blue eyes of his. Giyu's lips parted into a huge smile and he pulled her forward, making her squeak in suprise. He pulled her into a hug and held her close to his chest. He sighed and breathed in her scent. Shinobu smiled and leaned into his hug. Giyu fell back and plopped down onto the bed, never letting go of her. Shinobu closed her eyes and listened to Tomioka's heartbeat. Tomioka closed his eyes and buried his face in her unkept bed-hair. They fell asleep holding eatchother. Basking in eatchother's warmth with smiles on their faces.

Finally, far past the many estates, beyond the winding trails, and through the dense forest, we arive at Gyoumei Himejima's house.

"HRRRRRRR!!!!" Lefty growled and lifted a house sizes boulder above his head. Righty grunted weakly next to him, holding a equally giant rock.

"Keep holding this until morning. Goodnight." Gyoumei said and went into his home to sleep.

"God damn it!" Lefty rasped.

"Believe in yourself!" Righty groaned.

"Go fuck yourself!" Lefty barked back.

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