Part 21: The Infinity Train

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*we branch into manga territory now, beware anime only readers

/\ (no longer applies)

"It ain't much, but it's honest work." Akai wiped the sweat off his forehead and placed his hands on his hips. He had finally fixed the fence. Although fix wouldn't really be the correct word, because all he did was piece it back together with nails and glue. Akai had spent nearly two and a half months piecing together this fence.

"Finally." Akai smacked his hands together, letting the dust come off. "Wait-NONONONONO-" Akai lept back into action once the fence began leaning down, not being able to support itself with all it's damage. "Come on!!!" Akai shoved his shoulder into it and pushed it back up. Before it could fall again, he threw his head forward and bit into it. "Demon Blood Art: Forging Fangs!!!" While Akai was rebuilding the fence, he managed to evolve his blood art so he could us two canines instead of one.

("Wooooooow so cool" Said no one ever ._.)

With his bite, the fence glowed before it's burnt, desicrated wood and rusty nails went back to normal.

"Whew." Akai sighed and went to leave.

"Caw!!! Caw!!!" A Kasugai crow flew overhead.

"Hm?" Akai tilted his head up to gaze at it.

"Akai Suisei!!! You are needed on a mission with Flame Pillar Rengoku!!! Join Kamado Tanjiro, Inosuke Hashibira and Zenitsu Agatsuma, who will also be accompanying you on the mission!!! Caw!!!" The crow broadcasted.

"Alright, alright. No need to shout, birdie." Akai stretched his arms and jogged down to meet Tanjiro and his friends before they left.

He managed to catch the guys right as they were leaving. Naho, Kiyo and Sumi were sending them off with gifts of onigiri (riceballs).

"Hey!" Akai waved and ran over.

"Akai? What're you doing here?" Tanjiro asked.

"I was chosen at the last minute to join you guys, I'll be accompanying you guys on this hunt." Akai explained. He remembered to say goodbye to the girls and turned around. "Kiyo, Naho, Sumi, I have to go." He crouched to their level and said.

"We know. Please die, pervert!" The three sisters chimed.

"..." Akai deadpanned for a moment. "Whatever. Can I have some rice please, girls?" Akai shrugged off their animosity and asked for some food.

"Sure!" The girls grasped the onigiri (riceballs) in their hands and lobbed it at his head. Akai caught the three thrown at him and turned around to join the slayers.

"Thank you kids! See you soon!" Akai happily waved, despite how much the girls detested him.

"What was that about? Pervert?" Zenitsu asked.

"It's a long story." Akai said before biting into his own tongue and letting blood drip onto the riceballs he was holding.

"What're you doing!?" Tanjiro asked, concerned.

"Food tastes horrible me. So I cover it in my blood. The texture is nice, and it reminds me of the good ol' times..." Akai explained before chowing down.


"So this is a train station... looks like what was in Shinobu's memories." Akai recognized the makeup of the building in front of them from Shinobu's memories he had witnessed.

"Whoa! What's this creature!?" Inosuke ran forward and stopped in front of a train. "It's the master of this land... no doubt about it! It may be sleeping now, but don't let your guard down!!!" Inosuke shouted.

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