Part 4: F@ck, This is Boring

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Akai still sat. It had been around a year or two. 998 left to go. He had noticeably grown a bit. Did demons have a growth limit?

A band of people from a neighboring town decided to check on the village. They saw the bodies and thought Akai was the one responsible.

"YoU'rE A MoNSteR!!!" They'd always say. Akai heard it so much he decided not to argue.

At some point, they called demon slayers to deal with Akai, but after 13 months of sun exposure and regeneration, Akai was invisible. Every time a blade cut off his head, he's pop it back on. Eventually, the people began to grow a wisteria forest around Akai, to prevent him from leaving.

"This can't hurt me." Akai pointed at the tree a man was planting.

"Shut up monster!"

"Fuck you too then."

Akai sighed and sat back down. It was so. Damn. Boring. He started getting more and more depressed, and in turn got more and more sleepy. After a little while (ie few months) he realized he could sleep away the curse. He'd taken decade-long naps and woke up every once in a while. Every time he woke up, the world changed a little. At first, a memorial was built. Then a monastery housing priests that would throw powdered wisteria at him every month or so.

The final change started around 500 years in. The monastery was gone and a huge fortress or so something was being built around the wisteria forest by the Ubuyashiki family. The tormenters left, which made it a bit lonely. He'd sometimes overhear the phrase "demon slayer corp" from ninja-looking guys. They were demon slayers. Now every year or so, about 1 to 5 demons would be thrown into the forest by the top slayer of the decade. They were horrible company, seeing as they only complained about hunger and fought for power. Akai closed his eyes and slept another 50. And then another. At the rate it was going, the forest looked like it was going to overflow with demons. But that's where the fresh meat came in. Every year or so, the corps would dump all their noobies in and make them survive a night in hell. Akai wanted to help, but most either attacked or stared at him in fear. Both of which almost always let them get ambushed by another demon and murdered. He'd trim the numbers a bit. Merking the average demons so that only the smallest of small fry or the biggest monsters were left for the noobs.

"Alright. How many years now?" Akai asked himself. "Ah, dammit! I lost count." Akai hit himself and went down to sleep a little longer.

An inconceivable amount of time later...

"Meh..." Akai woke up to the screams of people and demon roars. There was chaos all around.

"Noob night..." Akai sighed. He heard a female yelp and the sound of a body hit the ground. He turned and saw a girl dressed in demon slayer clothing with twin-tails faceplanted on the ground. She had tripped on a tree root. If Akai was still 15, she looked to be around 13, 14, and a half at most.

"Howdy." Akai crouched near her. She lifted her head from the ground and screamed once she saw him. She pointed her sword at him and scurried backward. She pressed her back against a tree and held her sword at him, her hands shaking.

"You're the red comet!" She squeaked.

"Is that what they call me? Why do they call me that?" Akai asked.

"Y-you've got a red streak on your cheek in the shape of a comet." She pointed at his face.

"I do?" Akai felt his face and indeed felt the mark. It was the scratch Muzan gave him that turned him into a demon."I do..." Akai mumbled to himself. "Anyways, what year is it?"

"Y- you're not going to kill me?" She shakily asked.

"What? No. What animal do you think I am?" Akai faked being offended.


"Answer the damn question!" Akai barked.

She stood there, trembling with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh no- I- Look. I've been here for hundreds of years and I am going a bit nuts. A few hundred years ago I lost count, what year is it? Please." Akai apologized and restated his question more sympathetically.

"I-It's 1914." She stuttered.

"Really?" Akai raised his eyebrow. He overslept by like, 300 years. Now he was 2 from being free.

"Really." She said a little less shakily.

"Nice!" Akai smiled.

"Does that mean you won't kill me?" The girl asked.

Akai's friendly gaze turned to that of a rage-filled glare and he bared his teeth at her. Akai broke into a sprint towards her.

"No wait!!! PLEASE!!!" She dropped her sword and hysterically screamed.

"Move idiot!" Akai shoved her to the side and socked another demon in the side of the head. Making him fly ten feet away.

"What the hell? We could've shared!" The demon complained.

"This human's under my protection." Akai growled.

"Who the hell do you think you-" The Demon froze upon realizing who he was looking at and began fearfully cowering at the sight of the mark on Akai's cheek. "I-I'm sorry red comet." The demon lowered his head.

"Get out of my sight." Akai growled. The demon nodded and high-tailed it out of there. Akai let out a deep breath and turned back to the girl with twin-tails.

"So. What's your name?" Akai asked.

"A-Aoi Kanzaki." She trembled.

"Akai Suisei." He responded.

"That translated to red comet in Japanese." She pointed out.

"It does... kinda ironic. A kid named red comet becoming the red comet." Akai chuckled.

Aoi let out a small laugh. The poor girl was beyond exhausted.

"You okay?" Akai asked.

"No..." she sighed and leaned against the tree.

"I can see that now." Akai murmured. Aoi's breathing was labored and she winced. The adrenaline was the only thing keeping her from feeling the pain and soreness of her overworked limbs. "Tell you what, you get some rest while I cover you." He decided.

"You... would do that for me?" She asked weakly.

"I mean, you helped me out." Akai joked. But she was already snoring. "God, she is fucking cute." Akai grumbled to himself. She slept on the ground against the tree. Akai smiled slightly and sat next to her. "Nothing can make this better." Akai sighed.

Aoi instinctively tilted her head and rested it on Akai's shoulder.

"Awww..." Akai smiled ear to ear.

So he held her like that for the rest of the night.

"Meh..." Aoi woke from her slumber. It was a sunny morning. She remembered meeting Akai, and was grateful and surprised a demon helped and saved her. She noticed a note on the ground next to her.

See you in two years! :D

Aoi smiled to herself and put the note in her pocket. She got up and limped to the exit of the wisteria forest.

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