Part 78: A Promise

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"...Interesting." Akai thought to himself. To think that she'd seek out Mr. Rengoku out of all the pillars. He was transfixed as Aoi rhythmically struck the training dummy with her wooden sword, leaving marks in the wood with each attack. Had she done her own training while working as a nurse?

He had seen and felt strikes hundreds of times more powerful. But the effort, and the concentration she put into his strikes...

He couldn't help but admire it.




"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?" She yelled furiously, having felt his presence. 

"Gah! Sorry!" Akai couldn't help but jump back in surprise, flying out of her view.

Rengoku was there the entire time and turned to face Aoi as she calmed herself.

"I take it that you're going through a rough patch?" Rengoku asked.

"We're done." Aoi muttered and went back to striking the dummy.


Akai racewalked down the trail away from Rengoku's house, sweating profusely. He wondered why she suddenly decided to become a slayer. Why she was suddenly picking up the blade after so long. Was it egotistical of him to think that he caused this?

"Akai." Akai screamed and jumped back, turning on a dime to meet Rengoku's gaze.

"Oh, hi." Akai chuckled and rubbed his nape.

"What did you do?" Rengoku asked, arms crossed.

"Wow, automatically assuming it was the guy that did something wrong, and not the girl?" Akai muttered.

"Well?" Rengoku raised an eyebrow.

"Yea, it was me..." Akai sighed and lowered his head.

"May I ask what happened?" Rengoku inquired.

"..." Akai gathered some courage and finally spoke. "I uh... Told her I wanted to break things off. So that it would hurt less later on." Akai explained.

"...So you broke her heart so you wouldn't break her heart?" Rengoku asked.





"Well, when you put it like that..." Akai muttered.

"And what's this about 'later on'?" Rengoku asked. 

Akai went quiet.

"Are you planning on dying in this coming battle?"

Akai gritted his teeth and looked away.

"Akai, you have so much to live for-"

"THAT'S THE POINT!!!" Akai roared, a pulse of lukewarm heat emanating from his body. "I've got so much to lose!!! If I don't end those monsters then it's all going to die!!!" He broke down, steaming tears pouting from his eyes. "You didn't see it. You didn't see how powerful they were." Akai clutched his head, remembering the utter brutality of the Upper Moons as they dismantled him in a mere minute. "I can't stop them without using all of it..." He buried his face into his hands and whispered.




"I-" Akai was cut off when Rengoku came forward, pulling Akai into a hug.

"It's okay." Rengoku said as Akai choked on tears in his grasp.

"I'm the only one that can protect all of you..." Akai whispered.

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