13. He Said What, Now?

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You're heading down the stairs again, on your way to the kitchen, when you hear a door lightly open and shut. This sound is followed by cautious footsteps, and then the sound of another door opening and closing.

'Was that Camilo?' you think, not looking back. Better not have been... You continue for the kitchen. When you reach the kitchen, you see a girl your age pacing back and forth, muttering to herself.

"Ahem," you grumble. She quickly turns her head to see you there, her eyes wide with anticipation.
"Hi-" she says abruptly with a nervous smile.
"Hey?" You respond, confused.
"Hi- I'm Mirabel," she states. So this is Mirabel. You start blinking at her aggressively.

Mirabel pov:
Eek- she knows.

"Hi, I'm y/n," you say in a slightly annoyed tone. "I know you were watching us." This time, your tone seems more angry. The girl becomes pale, scared for her life.

"Chill out, I'm joking," you say, "However, I wanna know: how much of that did you hear?"
The girl is silent for a moment.
"All of it..."
You turn red with embarrassment. After another moment of silence, she begins to speak again.

"Looks like someone's got a lil crushy crush on mi primooo..." she says in a smug tone. You become even more red. A crush? No. A friend.

"No, no, it's not like that. We're just friends," you say quickly, "We literally just met tonight, how could that even be possible?" Mirabel looks at you with concerned eyes.

"Trust me, it's possible."
You look at her, confused.
"From what I hear, Camilo has a thing for you too..."
"What do you mean?"
"He tells me about you all the time," she scoffs.

She then starts imitating her cousin:
"MiRaBeL, i SaW a ReAlLy PrEtTy gIrL tOdAy. MiRaBeL, hEr NaMe Is Y/n. MiRaBel, ShE's A rEaLlY gOoD dAnCeR."

You begin to laugh.
"Sometimes, it gets really annoying," she continues.
"Wait, he actually says those things?" you giggle.

"Yup. Although they're all true, he needs to chill out. You didn't even know him and he was already obsessed. When I saw him with you earlier, he was acting really weird."
"Yeah, that's what Dolores said."
As if on queue, Dolores walks in.

So You've Fallen for a Madrigal? (Camilo Madrigal x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now