24. TAG!

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Day 3


You and Camilo roam around the streets for a while. You're surprised that he hasn't been called to do something yet. So this is what he was talking about that night...

Soon, you become bored. You haven't really talked much, and are getting tired of just walking around. It's at this moment that you get an idea.

Suddenly, you aggressively tap Camilo on the shoulder, and begin to run.

"TAG!" You scream, not even thinking about turning back.

"WAIT, THAT'S NOT FAIR," he yells, running towards you as fast as he can,

You continue running, laughing like a little kid.
"Hehehe- come and get me, slowpoke!"

After a moment of waiting for his response, you turn around. He's not there.

Ah, so he wants to play this game. Ok then. Challenge accepted.

You're quickly able to come up with a strategy to prevent him from catching you.

For what seems like no reason at all, you stand in the middle of the street looking around for suspicious people. As you look around, you see a little girl looking at at you, but suddenly they look away. There he is. Now that you know who he's disguised as, you can't help but taunt him.

Trying not to raise suspicion, you pretend to look around cluelessly, and then merge back into the crowd of people. When you're about to pass the little girl you'd targeted, she suddenly transforms into Camilo, who is reaching out an arm to tag you. Knowing he would make this move, you dodge him, causing him to fall over.

As he's laying on the ground trying to process what just happened, you jokingly make a mean face at him, and run off. Oh, but you don't run off. You just watch him from a distance.

You watch him get up. You watch him brush himself off. You watch him transform into a random man. You watch him run in the direction you had ran originally.

This time, you plan on following him. You never know when he might switch into someone else. As he runs through the streets, you quickly walk to keep track of him.

At one point, he turns a corner. In an attempt to keep up with him, you begin running too. As you turn the corner, the next few moments are just a flash of light.

You become conscious of your surroundings again, and you're on the ground. You weren't unconscious, but you had lost your sense of reality.

You come to the conclusion that here's
what has happened:
1. You turned the corner, not paying attention
2. Camilo was waiting at the corner for you
3. Camilo pounced on you
4. You fell over
5. You're now on the ground...

          ...with Camilo on top of you.

He looks down at you, grinning from ear to ear, and pokes you on the forehead.
You hardly think about his actions. You're too busy trying not to get flustered. How has he not noticed what's going on?

You continue to stare into space.
"Hey, are you ok?"
Suddenly, you're snapped back into reality. You can't prevent yourself from blushing.

After staring at you in confusion for a moment, he realizes what's going on.
He quickly stands up, brushes himself off, and offers you a hand to get up.
"Sorry..." he says, trying to hide his face
"It's ok."
He's blushing a lot.

It's quiet for a moment. Then you decide to break the silence by tapping him again.
"Too bad~"

For the rest of the day, you chase eachother around town. Such a strange, yet fun way to spend time together. Or... apart...

So You've Fallen for a Madrigal? (Camilo Madrigal x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now