12. Camilo's Room

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Warning: inappropriate humor

When you make it back to Camilo's room, you knock on the door- as he requested- and wait. A few moments later, Camilo answers the door.

"Hi," he says, tired.
"Hey, there," you reply, cup in hand. Camilo turns back towards his room, and opens the door fully.

"Welcome to my room," he says, encouraging you to come in. When you step in, you can't help but be utterly amazed. Your eyes widen.
As he closes the door behind you, you can't help but let your jaw hang open.

I drew what I thought Camilo's room looks like. His room isn't shown in the movie.

"What the- It's so big!" you exclaim

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"What the- It's so big!" you exclaim. In this moment, Camilo's smile becomes a smirk.
"That's what she said," he remarks, looking directly at you. You assume that he expects you to get flustered. Not today. You look at him with confused eyes. Assuming you don't understand the joke, he begins apologizing.
"Oh- sorry..."

"It's ok, I guess..." You say innocently. You walk up the stairs with him until he sits in bed. Then you lean over him, saying the worst possible thing.

"...As long as I'm the 'she' in this situation." With this remark, he suddenly becomes red, blushing from head to toe. Feeling that you've made things uncomfortable, you decide to apologize now.

"Sorry," you say, looking down at the ground. "I just thought-"
Suddenly, he grabs your hands.

"I'm not opposed to that idea," he says, still blushing. That was enough to send you over the edge. In no time, you're blushing more than he is.

"ThAtWaSaJoKe! ThAtWaSaJoKe! For legal reasons, that was a joke!!!" He screeches. Now, you could really mess with him.

"What a disappointment," you mutter, giving him a light kiss on the forehead. You didn't think he could blush any more, but he did.

y/n pov:
Oh no- did I just- GAHHHH I MADE IT WEIRD. I shouldn't have kissed him on the forehead. He seems really flustered by it. Is he uncomfortable? or does he like it...? NO. HE DOESN'T, Y/N. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT. But he is really cute when he blushes...

Camilo pov:
Did she just- AAAAAAAAAAH WHAT JUST HAPPENED. It was nice, but- WAIT- NO. You're not allowed to be enjoying this, Camilo. You just met, and it's clear that you're just friends. Stop thinking, Camilo. I know that she's kind... and cute... and comfy... NO. YOU NEED TO SNAP OUT OF IT.

After a moment of thinking, Camilo suddenly smacks himself in the face. You look at him, confused.

"Are you alright?" you ask.
"uhhh- yeah," he responds quickly, "I just now remembered that I need to get something." He's trying to cover something up. He starts to get up, but you push him back down.

"W-" He starts.
"No. What do you need to get?" you ask. "I can get it for you." He looks at you, confused, but then tells you after realizing that he can't get out of it.

"Uhhh-" he says, "I think tia Julieta has some arepa con quesos on the counter downstairs. I haven't eaten anything in a while, so I thought I should get them."

You know he's lying. You were just downstairs. Suddenly, you remember: you're still holding the cup.

"I-I can go get them for you," you stutter, "Also, here's the water, but I will warn you: I put something in the water." He gives you a funny look.
"Did you just spike my water?" He laughs. You can't help but laugh with him.

"No, silly," you giggle "It's just lemon and sugar. Anyways, I'm going to head downstairs."
"Hm? Oh, ok," he says nervously.

Something's definitely up. As you go to leave the room, you notice that the door is cracked open already.

"Hey, Camilo?" you yell to him.
"Yeah?" He responds, sitting up.
"I think we had a visitor."
"What?" Then he sees the door.

"MIRABELLLLL?!?!?!?!" he screams, beginning to get up. You give him an angry look, and he sits back down.
Finally, you exit the room and head downstairs.

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