39. It's Definitely a Date.

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Grabbing Camilo's hand, you leave Casita, and begin running up a part of the mountain.

"Where are we going?" Camilo asks, confused.
"That's for me to know, and for you to find out."

You continue up the mountain. A clear, flat spot is seen up ahead, but you don't intend on going there. Its kinda nice, but it's a well known spot. Everyone else always goes there for their dates. Not you.

Before you reach the spot, you suddenly turn, leading Camilo into the woods. This makes him concerned.

"Uhm- do you know where you're going?"
"Yes, relax."

After moving through a thick patch of trees, you lead Camilo out to a small open area on the side of the mountain.
"Woah, this is incredible!"

It's a clearing covered by a soft patch of grass and a few flowers scattered around. You can see the river off the edge of the mountain and the stars hang high above you. The only sound is the croaking of frogs and the chirping of crickets. It's a beautiful place.

"Mhm. Now c'mon," you say, gesturing for him to sit with you in the grass. When he sits down, he immediately looks up at the sky. You can tell that he has a fascination with the stars.

"You can see the stars so nicely out here," he says.
"Yeah, this is where I always went as a kid when I wanted some time alone. It's pretty during the day, too."
"Yeah, I bet."

You hear him mutter something.
"What was that?" you ask.
"What was what?" he responds quickly. Trying to play dumb, eh?

"So uhm... about what you said earlier..." he starts, "were you being serious...?"
"Serious about what?"
"About the whole... uhm..."

You realize what he's trying to say.
"You mean the date thing?" you interrupt. He looks at you, shocked.
"Well uhm... yeah. Were you serious, though?"

You stare off into space for a minute, and then try to respond confidently.
"You know what? Sure... if you're ok with it."
"Oh," he reacts, "uhm... yeah. It's alright."

You can't see him very well, but you can tell he's blushing. You can tell that he definitely wants this to be a date, but he's too scared to full on say it.

"Well, since this is a date, now, what do you want to do?"
"Well, maybe we could try one of your ideas. Like... making those little flower crowns or something."
"Yeah. But my question is: have you ever made a flower crown before?"

He really doesn't know? This was going to be fun.

"Well, I can teach you. All you really do is tie the flowers together."
"Tie them together with what?" He looks at you, confused. Such a cute expression.
"You actually use their stems to tie them together... like this."

You pick up two flowers, and begin tying one stem to the other. When you finish, you look over to see Camilo staring in fascination.

"It doesn't look too hard," he says, picking up two flowers. He begins trying to tie the stems together.
"It's really not that difficult, just make sure that you're very-"
One of the stems in Camilo's hand breaks, suddenly.
" -careful." You finish.

He looks at you, and you look back at him. You stare at each other through the darkness for a minute, until the two of you begin giggling like little kids. Maybe you should just make one for each of you.

So You've Fallen for a Madrigal? (Camilo Madrigal x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now