38. Is it a Date?

999 39 38

Day 6

It's 10pm, and you're laying in bed. You know that you should be unconscious, but you can't sleep right now. Your mind is flooded by thoughts of Camilo, and you can't help but wonder what events tonight would have held.

Why exactly do you have to stay home tonight anyway? What's stopping you? You could slide out the window right now... but should you?

You consider your options: you can either stay and regret not spending the night with Camilo, or you could go and chance getting in trouble. After a moment of thinking, you choose option number two.

You quickly hop out of bed, and go to the closet. Hmmm... what should you wear? You can't wear your purple dress, but you can't go in your pajamas...

You decide to go for something simple and cute: A white crop top with ripped jeans. You've never worn this top before because you've always been too self conscious. Looking in the mirror, you realize that you don't look bad at all. Either way, Camilo wouldn't mind.

You begin to slide the window open, but realize that you need to grab your radio. Maybe you could listen to music together. Grabbing your little radio, you then slip out the window, quietly closing it behind you.

You walk silently through the streets, trying to make haste, yet trying not to raise any alarm. If anyone spots you, you're in big trouble... especially if it's your dad. No one seems to be awake. Perfect.

When you get to Camilo's house, Casita lets you in, already knowing why you're there. You quietly step up the stairs and knock on the door. When the door opens, you're met by Camilo, who appears to be wide awake.

"W-what are you doing here?" He stutters.
"Um..." you start. You stop when you catch him looking you up and down, trying to be subtle. Deciding not to mention it, you continue.

"I may or may not have snuck out..."
"What?!" He whisper-yells. He looks from side to side, lets you into his room, and closes the door behind you. Then he continues.

"To spend time with you, silly."
"I thought you couldn't!"
"I found my way around it. What, do you want me to go back?"
"NO!" He quickly blurts, "I mean... no- I'm glad you're here."
"Pfffft- you better be," you snicker.

"So uhhh- I see you brought a radio with you." He gestures towards your radio.
"Oh- yeah. Thought some music wouldn't hurt."
"Ah, ok. Makes sense I guess."

"So uh," he looks down at the ground awkwardly, "what do you have planned?"
"Well, I figured we could just go stargazing."
"O-oh... yeah," he stutters.

"Is something wrong?" you ask.
"What?" He looks up at you. "Oh- no. No. I'm just surprised you didn't think of anything else to do."
"Well, if you want me to, I can."
"Ok, then give me your ideas."

"Well," you start, "we coulddd do a bit of dancing- I guess. I'm not good at it, but it might be fun." You do a little spin. Camilo can't help but giggle. He's such a child.

"Ooooor," you continue, "we could... fight each other!!!" You begin to punch the air in Camilo's direction. He backs away a bit.

"That would be funny to see," he scoffs.
"And why is that?" you ask.
"We both know that I could beat you in a heartbeat."
"Pffffffft- oh, you're so funny."
"I'm serious."
"Mhm, suuure."

You go to fake a punch at him, but he grabs your wrist. Without waiting, you go to throw a real punch with your other hand. He ends up with both of your wrists. You can't help but look at him in astonishment.

You begin to blush, but he's too focused to react. He shifts both of your wrists into one hand. The other hand is used to boop you on the nose.

"Weak," he laughs, raising his head. He looks down to see you blushing. Then he realizes.

"OH-" he bursts out, letting you go, "I'm so sorry! I didn't know-" He pauses.

"Wait a damn minute..." he says, looking at the ground with a mischievous look on his face.

"UHMMM- ANYWAYSSS!" You interrupt his... questionable... thoughts. "We could... make little crowns out of flowers."
"Uhm, this is starting to sound like a date, now."

"Pfffft- I guess it does."
"Wait- is it?"
"It can be whatever you want it to be."
"Oh, it's almost 10:45," you interrupt, trying to make the situation less awkward. "We should get going."
"O-oh... right." He blushes.

So You've Fallen for a Madrigal? (Camilo Madrigal x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now