37. Door Directions

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Day 6

You look at her, shocked. She's never been to the Casa Madrigal. How does she know?

"What?" you ask.
"Yes, I know about the door."
"You told me."

You look at her, confused.

"What? No I didn't."
"Well, it's more like your mind told me."
"Pffffffft- what, are you saying you can read my mind?" you scoff, rolling your eyes.

You look even more confused now.

"Yeah sure," you exhale in disbelief.
"I'm being honest."

'Mhm, yeah, I totally believe you,' you think.
"No you don't," your mom responds.
"What?" you ask, confused.
"You don't believe me... yet."
"What? I didn't even-" you stop for a moment, "Oh."

"Wait, are you being serious?"
"Fine, then guess what numbers I'm thinking of," you scoff.
"I don't have to guess, but alright."

"Wh- lettuce isn't a number."
"Cry about it."

You both laugh.

"So... what does this have to do with the door?" you ask.
"Well, first off, I learned about the door through you."
"Second off, that door is in fact yours, and has appeared there because that is a magical household."
"But does that mean-"
"Lastly, yes. You do have a gift. Well- you will."

"But how do I get it?"
"By touching the doorknob."
"But I already did that."
"Oh- I almost forgot."
"Forgot what?"

"In order to unlock your gift, you must first find love."
"But what if I can't?"
"Don't worry. It usually comes early. I remember finding my love at the age of 14. She was so sweet...."

She sighs.

"Wait- what about dad?"
"What? Ew, no. I'm talking about someone else.... I was married off to your father by my family after I got my gift."
"Then what happened to- you know- the other person?"
"She was killed. By who? I'm not sure. She was 20 when she passed."

"But, on a brighter note, it would appear to me that you've already found love."
"I have?"
"Yes! That boy!"
"Well... there's no hiding it from you..."

"Why haven't you told him yet?"
"I'm afraid he won't feel the same. Plus, I only met him a few day ago."
"Are you serious? He loves you with everything he has."
"He... does?"
"Yes! I've seen the way he looks at you."
"Oh... I guess I'll have to ask him out soon."

"So- how is this supposed to go...?"
"Well, you find love, receive a kiss, touch the doorknob, and the door will light up. Then, you'll have your gift."
"You make it sound easy..."
"I mean, honestly, it is."
"I guess."

A knock is heard at the front door. Your mom immediately gets up to answer it. You hear the door open, and suddenly your mom calls for you.

"Y/nnn, your boyfriend's here!" she snickers.

When you arrive at the door, you give her a rude look. How immature of her.

'I'll kill you,' you think.
Her happy expression suddenly becomes one of worry.

"There you are, y/n!" Camilo begins to take a step into the house, but then stops, waiting for confirmation from your mom. She nods, and he walks in.

"I saw you running through town earlier when you were supposed to be with Mirabel," he continues, "I was scared something was wrong."
"Yeah, I just uh..." you look at your mom, "I had a bit of a problem."

Your mom looks at you for a moment, and you realize that you have something to tell Camilo.

"Hey, uhm... I won't be able to go stargazing with you tonight..."
"Yeah... Something came up, and I have to stay at home."
"Oh... well, it's ok. We can do it some other time."

"Anyways," your mom interrupts, "Sorry, but I think you should go home."
"We were having an important talk."
"Oh- I'm sorry for interrupting."
"No, it's ok. If it makes you feel any better, y/n will probably be able to come over tomorrow."
"Oh, ok. On that note, I should be going now."

He looks at you.
"Goodbye, y/n!"
Then he turns to your mom.
"Goodbye Mrs...?"
"L/n," she finishes his statement.
"Yeah, goodbye Mrs. l/n!"

He runs out the door, ready to do more tasks around the village.

"He's such a sweet kid," your mom says.

So You've Fallen for a Madrigal? (Camilo Madrigal x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now