5. What Just Happened?

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Your eyes flash open. In a panic, you sit up, but you begin to feel dizzy. Camilo notices and lays you back down. For the first time since you blacked out, you look around.

You look to the side and see the river flowing by. It's peaceful. However, when you look up, you freeze. Camilo is there, looking down at you.

You lock eyes for a moment, and he looks away, embarrassed. He's so cute... Then you realize: you're laying on the ground with your head on his lap. You can't help but look at him with astonishment. He then frantically starts trying to explain.

"I'm so sorry about this, y/n! YoupassedoutandIhadnoideawhattodo,soIbroughtyoutherestoftheway. OnceIgotyouhere,Ilayedyoudownhere,andInoticedthatyouwerestillburningupsoItookoffyourjacketand-"
"Wait, what?" You interrupt.

You look down to see that the jacket is missing, and you're very exposed. You look back up at him and see him examining you. You sit up and blush intensely.

Unsure what to do, you cover your chest and look at him from over your shoulder. He looks back at you, confused.

"A-ah, sorry about that," you stutter.
"It's ok... but I must ask- are you ok?"
"Y-yeah, why?"
"You just seem really upset about me taking off your jacket, and won't stop covering your... uh... chest."
You turn to face him, still not moving your arms.

"Oh... Yeah, I just don't like showing so much skin there."
"Well... I don't exactly like the way my body looks, so-"
"But you look so beautiful." He cuts you off, glancing at you suddenly.

You stare at him awkwardly for a moment.

"I-I mean," he looks down at the ground shyly and then looks back up, "you look great."
After a moment of awkward silence, you start to speak.

"Anyways, I'll need my jacket back, now. Where is it?"
"Why do you need it?"
"To cover myself up. Now tell me where it is."
"Sorry, but I can't do that."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I cannot give you your jacket back."
"And why is that?"
"You're going to burn up in it. Plus, I think you need to learn to love your body a bit more."

You look around for a moment until you spot your jacket. You go to grab it, but Camilo gets to it first. He stands up and smirks.

"Hey, give that back," you shout at him. He starts to back away as you get on your feet. As you approach him, he holds the jacket in the air in an attempt to keep it away from you.

You try once to get it from him, and he yanks it away as you go to grab it. You try a second time, with the same results. The third time, you leap at the jacket, and manage to grasp a sleeve, falling to the ground.

You go to look up at Camilo, but he's not there. You look down, and he's on the ground beneath you, still holding onto the jacket.

So You've Fallen for a Madrigal? (Camilo Madrigal x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now