💮clingy bet💮

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It was an nice morning for the Bob gang, Bobal watching his anime, Bowaev was playing with Bob and Bosip,  and Bofo was cooking lunch.  But bad things for Bobot though.  Because his boyfriend is being clingy nonstop. Every time when Bobot try to do something, Boder will always kiss or pull him close. Now let's get to it. 

With Bobot and Boder 

Bobot:boder, pppllleeaase, let me go. 

Boder *speaking through a voice box*:nnnooo, I don't wanna. 

Bobot:is this about your medicine?  Cause I already gave you like 10 kisses for the pass hour. 

Boder:noo, it's not about the medicine even though it was cherry bombs to me heheh, but I wanna be with you. 


Boder:cause meh son is away, your the only one left that'll make me happy 

Bobot:.....ugh, fine. 

Boder:yay! :D

Bobot:but don't push your luck. 

Boder:anything for meh emo boyfriend *kiss* 

Bobot:*shighs* fine 

As the day went on, Boder was still clinging on to Bobot. Heck, even carrying him bridal style. Then Bobot got an idea. 

Bobot:hey Boder 


Bobot:you wanna make a bet~ 

Boder:what kind of bet? 

Bobot:a bet that'll probably be a win win 

Boder:what's the bet?

Bobot:if you can make it through the whole day without being clingy or wanting me you get anything you want from me for a whole month.

Boder:and if I lose? 

Bobot:why you get me anything I want for a month. Deal?

Boder:we have a deal.

The two shaked hands and the bet was now started 

Bobot:now I'm gonna go and sit on my bed, go luck clingy boi~ 

As Bobot left and went to his room, Boder literally screamed on his mind. 

Boder's thoughts:aaahhhh, what have done?! I can't go a day without him! What am I gonna do?! 

As Boder panic, he literally went to his room and started thinking what to do. No kisses, no hugs,  No Bobot!

Bobot:Boder~ it's bout time for your medicine~ 

Boder's thoughts:crap! He done it! Come on me, act normal 

Boder tried to put on a poker face and walk off, leaving Bobot a bit surprised but he knows the right levers to pull.

Later on, 5 hours left 

As Boder was sitting on the couch reading a book, trying to get his mind off of the bet.  Then Bobot satted on the other side. No one was in the living room, everyone else was in their rooms, Bobot chuckled a little with a smirk under his mask (that he had on, don't think he didn't wear it earlier). He reached for the T.V. remote and turned on the television. Nothing special yet, mmm wonder what's on the tv. 

Bobot moved a little. Boder ignore it and kept on reading. Bobot got closer and closer until his hips touch Boder's. Boder started to blush, but he tried and kept on reading. Although Bobot kept his eyes focus on Boder, but he see that Boder was stealing some glances at Bobot.

(Hmm, what ya looking at?) 

Again later 2 hours left 

It was so good so far, but Bobot wasn't giving up just yet. He had to pull the high card. Oh bio, he surely didn't want to do it, but he has to or else he's gonna be his bitch for realz for a month. He went to Boder's room where Boder was fixing his scarf cause there was there was a hole in it. As Boder was distracted Bobot sneak in and came in from behind and hugged on his (Boder) shoulders and kissed his (face) cheek.

Bobot:Boder~ I think I need your medicine. You would please~ give me some? 

Bobot added a wink at the end, and boi Boder was steaming red and he wanted to do it but he gotta remember in return if he won the bet. 

Bobot:Boder, sugar spider~ if you give up, you can have these beautiful lips on you~  

Boder:you gonna have to try harder because I'm gonna win this. 

Boder was brave but also sweating. He was so close to kissing Bobot non stop but he'll do that when the bet is done.

Later on (again TMT) 

30 minutes  left 

Boder was excited, just 30 more minutes left and he gets anything from Bobot for a month. He started already thinking, maybe kisses, cuddles in bed or even better. As Boder was thinking, Bobot hadda think quickly. 

He tried everything, pleading for kisses, getting close to him and more. He tried to think.  15 minutes on the clock (don't ask why) and Bobot was preparing for his funeral saying 

"Dear lies Bobot

Dies of getting f**ked too hard." 

He can see it now, or probably getting lots of kisses and probably going down farther. Now he's a blushing cherries now. As he tried and think, he's gonna have to do things forcefully. He's gonna regret it but it's either winning or be Boder's bitch.  As he walk to the his bed, he couldn't decide.  If he force kiss him, he wouldn't be the way as he was use to. But if he loose, he don't what will happen  after that.  

But either or, things will end bad so.... he have to throw in the towel.  Cause let's face it, he's regretting this bet.  

As a minute is now on da clock Boder was walking to Bobot's room cause he's gonna get his victory.

Boder:ooh Babe-bot, looks like I won this bet! 

Bobot:*sighs* I guess your right. The time is up. What do you want hun? 

Boder:heheh, we'll talk this after dinner,  Bowaev will be waiting for us. 

Boder helded Bobot's hand and they went down stairs. Hmmm, wonder what's next. 

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