💮Our kid pt 2💮

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Bosip's pov 

Of what happened yesterday, I started thinking about what Scar or Balbon had said. He said something about his friend and also said that I resembled her by our hair.  I thought about it and I think it be me and Bob's child. I hope so, ever since Bob and I met I fell in love with him ever since. He's so cute, and beautiful in every single way. His luscious blue hair along with his mouth and eyes, the way he is just so breath taking for me. I just wanna kiss him for real, the other times I kiss him was for bruises or scratches.  And the only time we make love is for friends, like me cheering him up when he's sad or cuddling with him in bed, yet when that one time I hadda carry him bridal style. 

And where's my "I love you". But back to the topic, I started to think about Scar said and thought of what she had looked like.  He said that we had the same hair color but also blue at the ends but also looks like a shark fin.  They mentioned they go by she. Probably a girl or boy, either or I kept thinking about it but I was so space out that Bob caught me off guard. 

Bob:what you thinking about Bosip.

Bosip:oh nothing.  Nothing at all Bob.  Heheh

Bob:....  okay! Besides we got all the supplies we need to defeat the Ender Drangon. 

Bosip:great. Let's go now 

Third person pov 

As they go into the mine craft game portal and went in.  Everything was black but when Bosip opened his eyes he saw stars or bright white little blocks in the sky. Infact everything was in blocks. And Bosip thought "this looks like mine craft but then again there is different models." As he thought as he saw a well made block table that looks like a picnic table. Bosip got up and noticed that a familiar face was there standing in front of him. It was Scar.

Scar:Bosip!? What are you doing here?!

Bosip:I don't know, all I remembered was me and Bob going through the portal to defeat the Ender Drangon. 

Scar:something must have glitch it to make y'all come here.

Bosip:where are we? 

Scar:Welcome to the O.N.E 


Scar:the O.ver world N.ether E.nd or for short the O.ver N.ether E.nd  (over never end) 

Bosip:wait... this place has all of the three worlds?! 

Scar:yeah! And we are protected by our guardian, W.D or the Wither Drangon.

Bosip:wait... what do mean by we? 

Scar:I ain't the only one here, Bibop (Bi•Bop) is here as well.

Bosip:Bibop? ..... ! Don't tell me that Bibop is-

Scar:mmhhmm, she's yours and.... I think that blue dude on ya right side.

Bosip's thoughts:Bob! 

Bosip looked at his right side and saw Bob still sleeping or unconscious.  Bosip sighed to himself and picked up Bob. 

Bosip:do you think we can go to your place to rest. 

Scar:yeah sure, but it might take a while. It's a good thing their awake to take us to our place.

Bosip:who is they-

Suddenly something with noir wings with lavender purple in between, three heads emerge out and now looked at the three.  Bosip startled a bit but then,

Scar:W.D, it's great to see you 

(Head 1, Head 2, Head 3)

Head 1:it is indeed. Who are these two fellows? 

Scar:they are Bosip and Bob, they got here by accident. We need to get to our base. Can you play us there please? 

Head 2:why of course, hop on and hold on.  Cause I don't want y'all to feel the pain among the way. 

Bosip:at least you warn us 

As they got on the Wither Drangon, they're in the sky now.

T.B.C in part 3 


Bob and Bosip (+the bob gang) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now