💮older to.... younger?!💮

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As the daylight shines, the gang (except Boder and Bobot) was in the living room. When Bowaev decided to get something he accidentally bumped into the shelve, a book fell down. It was a photo book, it was made by Bofo. Bowaev opened and it was baby pictures of everyone (not Bofo because he has no age).

Bowaev:woah! Is this us?!

Bofo:oh, I been looking for that. 

Bosip:what is it?

bofo:that book keeps all the photos I token when y'all were little. 

Bob:wait all us?!

Bofo:that's correct 

Bobal:if that has all of us then that means...

Bosip:Boder and Bobot old photos must be in there 

Bofo:I do miss those days 

Bowaev:can we see them?! 

Bofo:I don't see why not 

As they go to the back of the book where the pages were colored as orange and a baby blue. As they saw the old pics, they were surprised. The two looked so cute!! But their eyes saw Bobot but little Bobot didn't have a mask. They gang eyes widen of surprise.

Bobal:omfg he has no mask when he was little!!

Bofo:yeah he use to.

Bowaev:use to? What made him to the mask part??

Bofo:now that.... I don't know on that one. That day when he came busting through the door all crying in tears, I tried to see what was wrong but..... he wouldn't open up, he didn't let me look at his face anymore. He worn a mask the next day, I ask what it was for but he didn't respond, he walk away. From that day on he worn a mask nonstop.  If only I knew of what happened to him. 

Bob:w-wow, I didn't know that

Bofo:it's fine,  it's in the past now. But I still wonder what happen to him.

As Bofo flip the page to the next a little piece of paper fell. It reads as follows 

"As you read this page 

The two oldest will change of age

it might be wild 

But don't worry, it won't be awhile" 

After reading that, the gang were confuse.  What do they mean two oldest will change of age? They think about it and then.... 


Something came from the kitchen.  The gang was now in fear, they slowly walk to the kitchen, gonna use Bobal as a weapon,  and in the kitchen was........ 

Nothing but a cereal box opened and fell on it's side. Bowaev ran to it and

Bowaev:No! Meh Lucky Charms!! All the marshmallows are gone. NNNUUUUU!!!!! 

Bob:aww man, I was gonna eat that 


The turn around and they saw a black plush bunny on the floor. 

Bob and Bosip (+the bob gang) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now