😱Slit nightmare 💔💮

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(This is au where Bobot is related to the Kuchisake-onna (search here up if her were you)

Warning: Japanese horror legends


And scary 

And a shout out for @Galaxy_CloudyYT for requesting a scary shot and luckily for them, I was stuck in drawing the Japanese horror stories. 


Bobot's pov 

I woke up in a cold sweat as I appear to be in a black void. I hear voices coming from my behind.  I back away from it then I bumped into something.  I turn around and it was a mirror! I turn around and closed my eyes and covered them with my hands. I felt another hand touch my shoulder, then a creeping voice speaked.

?¿?:omo-sa, you can't hide from me 

Bobot:w-what!? It can't be. Your in Japan! Dead! 

?¿?:hehehha, you can't hide from the family tradition

Bobot:fuck the family tradition!! Fuck you as well!!! 

?¿?:you don't have a choice!! You think your fine where you are tight now!? They will find out, you will carry out our legacy. Your apart of this!

Bobot:No! No! I will not carry out this pain and agony!!! 

?¿?:you will! YOU WILL!! 

Bobot:I ain't doing it now and forever!!! 

?¿?:then face the consequences :) 

Bobot felt his mouth hurting. He took off the mask and his mouth was being cut open! Screaming in pain wanting to wake up but it was no chance.  His tear wailing out of his eyes, then his head was force to the mirror. Looking down, trying to avoid the reflection in mirror. 

?¿?:look at your self!! Your beautiful self!!! 

Bobot:I won't 

He Trieste close his eye shut but no, fingers landed on his eye lid, and forced to opened. It was successful.

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Bobot saw his reflection, a slit mouth open, across his face. Blood was leaking out, his eyes widen. While his sister fade away while laughing 

Kuchisake-onna:hehehahaha!! Your finally pretty. Your still beautiful. 


All Bobot could do is stand there in horror. Red is the only color he saw and fear. 

End of dream 

Bobot immediately woke up due to someone shaking him. It was Bosip, his eyes were worried and tears were coming out as well. Bosip finally stopped when Bobot putted his hands on Bosip's shoulders. Bobot was able to see now, the whole gang was in his room. All worried. 

Bosip:are you okay?! What happened?! 

Bobot:It was nothing Bosip it was just an nightmare,I'm fine-

Bosip:your not fine!! You screamed and scared all of us half to death!!!  

Bowaev:should we be worried?  Are you okay? 

Bob:yeah,what made you scream? We nevered heard you scream.

Bobot:please just stop worrying 

Bobal:it's our fucking job to worry!

Bofo:Bobal calm down 

Bobal:I am calm!!! 

Bofo:just tell us what happened 

Bobot:I won't! It really personal okay?! I can't let y'all know.

The gang nodded and respected it. They walked out all but one. It was Boder who'd stayed. Looking at Bobot with disbelief.  As Bobot looked at him, he could read his expression, he invited Boder to join in the bed, snuggling into Bobot under the covers. Bobot now felt comfortable and now peaceful, wanting to sleep. And they did, peacefully


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