💮His human form💮

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It was an early morning and the gang was waking up, as Bowaev quickly went stairs he smelted the smell of pancakes. As Bowaev entered the kitchen and sat at the table, he will daily see Bofo cooking breakfast but something was different. Bofo wasn't there. 

There was instead a person with blonde fluffy hair with light fair skin and had a plain white shirt with a flap collar and a somewhat similar to what Bofo wears. Then the person finally speaks.  

Person:good morning Bowaev, I hope you got your appetite for these pancakes 

The person sounded like bofo and they shown there face. Bowaev's mouth dropped as he got up and ran to the nearest person which was the others. 

Bowaev:there's a stranger! STRANGER! STRANGER DANGER!!!!! 

Bobal:the f

Bob:stay back you faker of Bofo!!


Bosip:you touch my blue, and you get the flu 


Boder:*cracks knuckles*



Bobot:thank you, now as I was trying to say was that is Bofo but in his human form. 

Bobal:wait he has a human form!? 

Bobot:yes, I installed it in his program. It has everything the human body have, organs, taste buds, hearing and most of all skin so he can feel pain physically. 

Bowaev:ooooo...... can I have pancakes now? 

Bofo:sure Bowaev you may have some.

As the gang eats the pancakes (I prefer waffles without butter) Bobal couldn't help but stare at Bofo. His light gold blonde fluffy hair, his honey yellow eyes, and the light darken skin. He was in the middle of cute and hot.

And he wonders,

Is his lips smooth and soft like the very pancake he's eating?

I guess he'll find out.

(Bofo human form)

(Bofo human form)

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End of part cause an idea came through my head.


Bob and Bosip (+the bob gang) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now