Day 2

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Continuing the clingy bet

As the two boys were finished with dinner, Boder immediately grabbed Bobot's hand and started going to his room. Bobot was getting ready for the moment he's gonna expect but something else happened.

Boder:Bobot, I know you think I'm gonna bang you but I have a present for you

Bobot:oh, what is it?


Boder handed out a new choker for Bobot. The leather was an ink black with blue diamond gems over it. And in the nameplate it reads "BB".

Bobot:oh sweetie, I love it but why are you giving me this and what does BB stands for?

Boder:oh just a present for my dear bat in the cave. And BB stands for Bobot.

Bobot:Boder, that's so nice of you. I love it,

Bobot took off the choker he worn and putted on the new choker that was given to him.

Boder:It looks amazing on you

Bobot:Aww, thanks Bod

Boder:heheh, You look like a little puppy

Bobot:\\\\\' *turns red (blushes, not like the movie)*

Boder:Bark for me now.

Bobot:huh!? Okay.... *barks*

Boder:aww, your so cute~

Bobot's thoughts:I never saw this side of Boder.

Boder kissed Bobot heavily, and Bobot was a dark red cherry on his face. Bobot breaks the kiss so he can breathe for a little bit.

Boder:you like that?~


Boder:*ruffles Bobot's hair * my adorable redhead

Bobot:*blushes a dark cherry red*

Boder:Have I ever told you how cute your hair is? You look just like a dream, the prettiest boy I've ever seen.

Bobot:I ain't the prettiest

Boder:Yes you are~

Bobot:*blushes even more*

Boder:you uncomfortable?

Bobot:N-No, no I'm just so flustered. Besides, you really know how to get me red

Boder:And by the looks of it I know how to get more than that

Bobot was even more red than before. (And I'm running out shades of red.)

Boder:heh, what a cute cherry, I think cherry juice will be great (cherry juice is actually real and good)

Bobot:mmmmm... ///

Boder:hehehe, tour so cute when your flustered.

Bobot:I just want sleep

Boder:okay then get in the bed.


As he got into the bed, Boder smirked and laid down with him. Snuggling into the warm body of the red headed male.
Bobot was red hot, almost sweating.

Boder:good night my cherry bomb~


The two fell asleep and cuddled.

Bob and Bosip (+the bob gang) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now