371 9 16

3 person pov

Monday, the most terrible day of the week. The start of another week full of school and homework. Yuu had woken up before his alarm like normal and sighed already hating the day. Looking at the blonde boy who had fallen asleep in his bed the night before he gently shook him awake. "hey Mika wake up, it's time for school" Mika mumbled something along the lines of five more minutes and yuu smiled getting out of bed deciding to wake the blonde up when he got ready for school.

Half an hour later both boys were sitting at the table in the kitchen eating their breakfast, well Mika just drank a smoothie as he never really felt too hungry and most foods would make him feel sick. "you kids ready for school?" guran walked into the kitchen with Shinya following behind him. "I am, Mika is still half asleep" "you woke me up to early Yuu-chan.." Shinya smiled a little and patted the blonde on the head. "yuu is just making sure you get to school in time Mika, if you're feeling unwell today just call us today and we'll pick you up" Mika nodded and put the now empty glass down. "why does he always get the option to skip school and I don't" "that is cause you would skip school, Mika doesn't he is too stubborn for that"

Pouting yuu stood up pulling Mika with him to the front door to put on their shoes and grab their bags.

Once ready they left the house and started the walk to school. They got to school rather early but there were already some other students. The difference between humans and vampires inside of the school wasn't too much. Vampires wore a white uniform while humans wore a black one, there wasn't much discrimination either. "Mika I am going to my class early okay? You can manage on your own right?" "am not a kid Yuu-chan I can take care of myself don't need you to babysit me all day" smiling the raven haired boy patted his brother on the head before leaving to his class in hopes of pleasing the teacher for once for coming on time.

Mika just rolled his eyes and once yuu was out of sight he went to his locker to get his books for class. Opening his locker he grabbed the books he would be needed for the day and put them in his bag. He never felt the need to carry books home unless he has homework for the subject, why carry all those books around the whole time when you can just dump them in your locker after school?

There were still a couple of minutes left for class and he had no idea what to do, walking down the hallways there were groups of people talking to each other, he didn't really have any friends the only people he hung around with were yuu his friends but that was only because yuu would make him say it was bad to be alone all the time. He just went with it since it makes yuu happy he doesn't really understand them.

Not really paying attention to where he was going he bumped into someone resulting in the both of them falling on the floor, luckily both to different sides. Landing on top of someone would be way too awkward.  

word count 570

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