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3 person pov

It had been another hour, guran had already left off to work and shinya would be heading out soon as well. Yuu was in his room doing who knows what but had come downstairs when shinya had called for him. "mika i'm heading off now, yuu take care of your brother and his friends are free to stay over if they wish" yuu and mika nodded and watched as the man left.

The three of them were sitting on the floor in front of the table and yuu just sat down on the couch behind mika. It was very known that yuu was extremly protective over his younger brother so the two vampires just shrugged it off an continued, rene had his arm around mika while the human was leaning against him while writing something down. It was rather late already but they wanted to finish it today seeing as it would need to be turned in soon and they didn't want to waste another day on it.

Yuu had made this stuff last year and knew how much of an shitty project it is, it takes up to much of your time and in the end all that will come out of it is a barely passing grade because the teacher sucks.

"mika do you want something to eat?" "no i'm fine yuu-chan, i ate before you got home" yuu nodded and left to the kitchen to make himself something to eat, and get mika something as well as guran had already told him mika hadn't eaten anything yet.

"you lied to him" "mhm i know, he knows too" it is really bothersome if your parents keep on selling you out to your brother.

Yuu came back a couple of minutes later and handed mika a drink, he had decided against forcing the other to eat today and just give him something he would subcounsciously drink.

It took him an hour to actually finish it with taking small sips from it but yuu was pleased upon seeing the class empty.

He doesn't really understand mikaela his eating disorder but he wants his brother to be healthy so he will help mikaela in any way he can no matter what. 

word count 400

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