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3 person pov

it has been two weeks? something like that since he had last hung out with lacus and rene. he had an extreme fall back and ended up bed ridden for the past few weeks. he was too weak to even get up at one point as his head was hurting and spinning the whole time. last week he had been brought to the hospital where the usual doctors had taken care of him. 

he still is at the hospital right now as he hasn't been discharged yet. they keep on saying he needs to stay longer and this and that. he is just tired of them looking through him and all the injections and whatever. he feels worse ever since he had gotten to the hospital. he can't remember what even happened leading up to all of this. 

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mikaela's pov

i don't understand why i have to stay here. aren't they done with all the things by now? i think they're just worsening it by now since i felt better before going to the hospital. guran and shinya keep on saying how it is better that i stay here and don't move around too much but to be honest i am just tired off it. i just want to go back home- home? i am not too sure whether i would call that place as such. for some reason it hasn't been feeling as home anymore, it never really has been if i think back on it. i just felt stuck there. like i didn't belong there with them. 

these past weeks i have been getting weird dreams, but they don't feel like dreams. it feels like i am watching over an event that is playing out but i don't understand what it means. i haven't told anyone about it as that will just end up with them keeping me here longer. 

the weird thing is that it feels like i really am there. really am apart of what is happening. it are small scenes off what mostly seems like fighting, fighting between humans and vampires and the most weirdest thing is that i am not on the human side in all of this. it seems like i am on the same side as the vampires.

and that lacus and rene are always with me no matter what dream i would find myself in.. 

word count 405

so- do i have any lame excuse for my disappearance for these months?

no, no i don't .   

i wasn't sick or anything like that i just to be honest forgot about this and then now suddenly it has almost been 6 entire months- yea i couldn't really wrap my head around that so yea. 

hope y'all ain't too mad

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