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3 person pov

Yuu had gotten into some trouble at school, and unfortunatly he had dragged his brother into it as well.

Yuu had een distrusting towards the two vampires since they started hanging around mika and today he saw the perfect opportunitie and he took it.

once lunch break started mika had gone to the english teacher to submit an assigment and yuu came across the two vampires in the hallway who were waiting for mika to come back out of the classroom.

So as any person would do in yu's mind, was make sure those two monsters would never come near his brother again. The interesting part in all of this that neither of the two vampires did anything when yu and the other 4 of his friends attacked them. When yu mentioned he was doing this for mika so of course mika got into trouble as well.

Despite not needing to be here lacus and rene had been sitting in the detention room with mika for an hour now the three just working on their homework while yu was still getting scolded by the principal and of course guran and shinya had been called in as well.

"you know it is against the rules to take any action towards vampires even if they had done something which mikaela has cleared up for us that they haven't you really gone out of line this time yuichiro, i would have no other choice than to expel you if those two vampires hadn't asked me to let you go of easy saying you had merely trying to protect your brother. But refrain yourself from ever repeating this again, you're expected to be at school an hour early and staying an hour after for the next week" yu felt rather relieved he wouldn't get expelled as guran would have his head but he was pissed that the reason for that were those two bloodsucking monsters.

Once they left the office yu was taken straight home by his two dads guran scolding him but once in the car claimed he would've loved to do the same, it's been obvious that guren dislikes those vampires as much as yu, perhaps even more. 

word count 370

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