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3 person pov

A week later Mika was in class again. Yuu had gotten sick while being outside in the rain. The idiot and his friends had gone to the park to hang out on a rainy day and the next day the poor kid had a fever. Mika wasn't too surprised and was glad he had managed to convince yuu not to take him because he hates being sick and being forced to stay in bed all day.

"Mikaela? Everything okay you're zoning out" someone poked his cheek snapping him out of his train of thoughts. "Huh" looking at his side lacus had sat down next to him and was the one who had been poking him. "You okay?" Nodding his head he watched Rene sit down at his table as well. "Did I miss something?" "We're paired up for a group project. Did you not pay attention" "no sorry.." looking at the paper that had been given to them by the teacher he read through it to see what this project would be about. History really is a shitty subject.

Having to chose between an event that had taken place in the past and made an impact on society. How annoying. "So when are we going to make this?" Mika just shrugged and looked at the clock. Only twenty minutes left of this bothersome class before lunch break would start.

"If we decide the event this class we can just work on it rest of the project someday after school. Does that work for you as well Mika?" "That's fine. What you wanna do it about?" Thinking about it for a couple of minutes Mika came up with nothing. He didn't even know his own history. And there was just too much that had happened the past centuries.

" the assassination of the vampire prince caused the end of the war. We could just go into detail about that" both lacus and Mika agreed with Rene and as soon as they had decided that the bell rang signaling class was over and lunch started. Putting their stuff away they left the classroom. They got along pretty well but they weren't really close friends or anything so Mika separated himself from the two vampires going a different way.

The rest of the school day was rather boring, having no friends at all really makes a difference from how fast time goes by. But once the final bell rang it was over and he could just go home. Going to his locker to dumb all his school books. Yuu had texted him halfway through the day asking if he could pick up his books from his locker since he needed to catch up on all the homework. Yuu his locker was on a different floor which was annoying. Walking up the stairs he got another text from the raven haired boy if he hadn't forgotten about it. he sighed and sent and simple "no" before getting to his locker.

Yuu his locker code was similar to his own so he could remember it quite easily. Yuu was a year above him so they did not have the same books, otherwise, the idiot could have just used the books from Mika, but no of course yuu had to be older than him. Having gathered all the books in his bag he closed and locked the locker again and finally left the school building. 

word count 575

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