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3 person pov

Looking to who he had bumped into Mika noticed the white uniform and got kind of anxious. "I'm sorry... I wasn't paying attention" to his surprise the vampire had already gotten up and offered his hand to him, Mika took it and he was helped up by the vampire. "it's fine no worries blondie" the bell rang signaling they needed to head to class before getting late. "where you have to go blondie?" "math, 204" the vampire smiled and grabbed his arm before he started walking dragging Mika with him. He had seen them a couple of times before in his class so he guessed they were just going to class. He never bothered to ask for names before as he didn't interact with people there was no need to be asking for names.

In a couple of minutes, they had reached the classroom just on time for the last bell. The vampire let go of him and they got into their seats. Mika wasn't too interesting in class especially math class, he was rather smart and this was just plain boring. Despite having no memories from before a year ago school was easy for him, somehow he knew most of the stuff and he had just guessed that he had learned it before. Guran and Shinya always avoided the subject of his past and claimed to not know anything about it so he had dropped it. it wasn't important if he had forgotten about it that easy.

Someone tapped his shoulder and he turned around being met with the same vampire as before. "what's your name?" "Mikaela-" last name? He had no idea, his last name was something he could not remember anymore. If he needed it for something he just used yuu his last name as they are brothers so it should be fine if he used it. "mister welt why are you talking during my class?" "Why are you teaching during my conversation?" Mika let out a small chuckle and the teacher seemed pissed. "mister welt and simm please leave this room" "huh? What did I do?" an glare from the teacher did not stop the darker haired vampire from saying his opinion on how he did not do anything. "do I have to remember you that if you are to be sent out one more time you will look towards a suspension" "mister norito they were talking to me, I asked if they had any painkillers my apologies for interrupting your class" goshi looked at the blonde and nodded his head, he was a friend of guran so he was aware of the medical condition from the blonde boy. "alright Mikaela if you're feeling unwell you can go to the nurse office alright?" Mika just nodded and leaned back into his chair saying he was okay now.

When class ended everyone quickly left to get in time for their next class, Mika had a free period as he did not have any class the next hour. Leaving the classroom he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around. "hmm?" "we ehh we wanted to thank you, for lying to that guy so we wouldn't get suspended again" "oh- it wasn't a problem don't worry about it" he smiled a little and the two in front of him gave him a small smile. "well anyways, my name's Lacus this is Rene" "nice meeting you"

The halls soon got empty as everyone had gone to class by now. "free period?" Mika nodded his head and looked around, yuu was supposed to pick him up from class so he could help the other with his homework.

Yuu did have a habit of always Being late so he really wasn't too surprised that his brother wasn't here yet. Yuu got distracted way too easily. He suddenly got pulled away from the two vampires. "Mika are you okay? Did they bother you? Are you hurt??" Mika just mumbled a no and rested his head on his brother's shoulder. Yuu glared at the two vampires and put his arms around his brother. "Let's go now okay mika? They're waiting for us" Mika sighed guessing he would be forced to spend this peaceful time with yuu his friends. They were loud and annoying and also quite rude if he had to be honest. "Yuu-Chan I don't like your friends..." "come on you gotta give them a chance Mika. They're really nice!" Mika just nodded and let yuu drag him away from the other two. He managed to say a quick goodbye to the two and then he was gone.

word count 771

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